An adaptation would be perfect

>Set in europe, so you can have western cast and everyone speaking in english
>has immigrants, so you have muh minority cast
>main character isn't white, therefore they won't make him black
>doesn't need much visual effects
>actually fucking good unlike evangelion
>appeals to western audience unlike evangelion, no one would even notice it was anime adaptation

Attached: monster01.jpg (500x686, 97.31K)

how do you find a trap actor

Hunter Schafer is the perfect cast.

Johann is just Hannibal x 50

Any other animekino like this anons? I have yet to find any similar or as high quality as this one.

Urasawa has other works but they haven't been adapted to anime. I don't know any other animes with the same theme, but ergo proxy is kino

Attached: tumblr_ot2kd6vKCa1vh0hiwo1_1280.jpg (1253x659, 84.02K)

The anime was complete shit, the manga had average style but the story and characters are great

Can HBO make the series?

They won't make it because westerners don't like Asian men being portrayed as heroes.

>Any other animekino like this anons? I have yet to find any similar or as high quality as this one.
Texhnolyze was fucking pure KINO pleb filter.

Haibane Renmei was also beautiful

Attached: haibane.jpg (1500x719, 238.94K)

What's the point of having a "mystery" or a twist when they're both revealed in the first few episodes?

I felt so used by the time this was over. >!after 70 hours of pointless meandering it just stopped!

If you couldn't figure out you weren't enjoying it 10 episodes in, why would you continue to watch it for 65+ more?

In Hollywood adaptation, Kenzou Tenma is black.
At least Johan Liebert would still be white cause Hollywood doesn't pass up the chance of making the white guys evil.
There will be a scene how the black lead bangs Johan's white sister.

A minor deviation will be if it's made by Netflix specifically.
In Netflix version, Kenzou will be a black woman.
Who knows karate.
And rocket science.
And can fly a helicopter. And do parkour.
Also in Netflix version, Johan's character will be dumb as a brick.

I heard about Ergo Proxy a few years back, I need to watch it.
I've also heard of Texhnolyze, it sounds like kino. I haven't heard of Haibane Renmei, I'll look into it.

>I've also heard of Texhnolyze, it sounds like kino. I haven't heard of Haibane Renmei, I'll look into it.
It fucked me up because Texhno is one of the most gut renching things I've watched whereas Haibane is just pure friendship feels

false, they would only make him black if he was white

the problem is that the series is already perfect

Asians are even worse than whites in the Jews' eyes. Remember what they did to L in the Netflix Deathnote Adaptation?

Just cast Keanu Reaves as Tenma

Wasn't he Russian?

>When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that.

Monster is horrible
>oh no i saved some kid's life and he turned out to be a murderer! This is bad, i should stop him!
>so he was in some MK orphanage where he was brainwashed and that's where he became a heartless killer
>oh no wait lel he was always a cunt
>ok so i traveled a bit and realised that all human life is worth saving so i'm proud of saving a maniac who killed hundreds
>hello Johan i saved your life again despite knowing that you are a monster who will kill a shitload of people as long as you are alive, because all human life has value, even if you ended a few hundred lives already your life is valuable too!
>Tenma you're a fucking retard i hate the society it made me this way
>*Johan runs away to continue his killing spree"


Where are they gonna find a half japanese half german who speaks perfect English, Japanese and German?

Just get a jap and make everyone speak english

And make Tenma a black guy, rename his to Tyrone

Texhnolyze is kino but the ending made me ask "what was the point?"

>actually fucking good
Urasawa is a hack.

Stop encouraging hollywood to destroy good properties.

You should also know that this was pitched around to places like HBO with guillermo del toro attached. It was determined to be not doable.

>Texhnolyze is kino but the ending made me ask "what was the point?"
That's kinda the point.
Just some guy in the last days

Those last few episodes have to be the most haunting shit I've ever seen in any anime.

Anyway gor OP post, if they try to put niggers then i din't want it.

The ultimate pleb filter.

>Those last few episodes have to be the most haunting shit I've ever seen in any anime.
The people willing to turn themselves into Robocops was pretty fucked and them having them twitch and shit while waiting for death/evolution was weird as shit.

Ergo Proxy is good but I feel like it jumps the shark after they leave the city.