Tell me this isn't kino.
Tell me this isn't kino
this isn't kino
Didn't he get canceled after all the rape?
I hate this fucking nigger, the fact carl sagan gets associated with him infuriates me
God, I miss the days before I saw Tyson in action and used to believe he was just a based blackman.
Now he's just a fucking annoying space sperg, but in a bizarro niggerform.
I'm glad this stupid nigger got kicked off Cosmos
>reminds you that on nye that celebrating the new year is not important at all because science and no fun
What the fuck is his problem?
>manages to write the best film reviews of all time
Something tells me he has hidden talents that are still untapped.
I unironically agree with him, people who celebrate a fake holiday just "for fun" are stupid faggots. New years eve is quite possibly the most normalfag thing on the planet and the only good thing about it was third impact.
lmao neil degrasse tyson more like neil defag tyson
Star Trek should be called Planet Trek.
Octopussy should be called Monopussy.
Star Wars should be called Stupid Garbage.
He's autistic. And a basketball American. And a rapist.
What the fuck?
God bless black science man. It’s a shame he got cancelled over gun control bullshit.
He didn’t. They postponed it over allegations that turned out to be meritless. It’s back on with him as the presenter last I checked.
Does he just get blazed and post random shit on Twitter?
Somehow the idea of a world renown physicist who also happens to be a nigger getting stoned as hell and posting his baffling highideas on Twitter is the funniest thing of all time.
I think you may be on to something, user.
He should be thankful there's also some imaginary rules that members of his species follow that stop his black ass getting lynched