Why didn't his career take off after breaking bad?

Why didn't his career take off after breaking bad?

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no dramatic range

>breaking bad?
because that show sucked a bag of dicks

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He was smart to not go too extreme with his hair transplant

His career peaked on The Price Is Right.

He can't act. Television is trash.

He had that Need for Speed movie right after Breaking Bad which flopped so I think it was set that he was good for TV dramas.

>Sciene BITCH!!
>Depressed junkie trying to do better
>Everyone that he cares about turns on him/dies
The story helped him a lot to develop as a character but other than that I don't know what else you can do with him, maybe horror films or some drama.

the real question is why didn't bryan cranston's career take off after breaking bad?

Cranston needs to be on another sitcom again.

He can act. Being a manlet is what is keeping him from being cast in anything good.

>main character in one of biggest shows in history
>immediately stars in big movie
>stays out of lime light for a bit
>star in movie based off ending of biggest show
>now a main character in yet another one of the biggest shows on tv
Sounds pretty good to me

this. only actor who has really seen success is Giancarlo Esposito and he's mostly playing Gus-type villains on other shows

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No need to hire a wigger, when you can just hire a nigger and get bonus diversity points

explain tom cruise, al pacino, james mcavoy, elijah wood and daniel radcliffe then nigger

He's been busy.

This, shortness is a major advantage in Hollywood, because it makes camera angles easier.

Did Aaron Paul see a Nintendo Switch as his showcase prize in this

but user, he has since been on the best animated show ever, bojack horseman.

He was on Westworld tonight why didn’t your career take off?

he didnt do well in the other roles he got like his show, the path

getting a starring role on another 3 season show is pretty good tho, probably got paid big coming off of breaking bad hype

he gets offered roles but he has only wanted supporting roles, dudes coasting and nabbing easy paydays

you missed that he had an entire show starring him. streaming services are paying the big bucks too, those are the jobs a listers are gunning for

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normies still don't think of animation as a worthy medium, so to them it might as well not exist.

Xbox save my hairline

He's relentlessly handsome.

>you missed that he had an entire show starring him. streaming services are paying the big bucks too, those are the jobs a listers are gunning for
Is he actually trying to get roles or is he actually asking his Xbox for roles?

Kys and watch your shit cartoons in hell

Westworld isn't one of the biggest shows, it gets less than a million viewers an episode


It did. For a while he was in everything.

because his next film was fucking need for speed or some shit.
should have done an arthouse flick first, get in on the A24 gravy train or something.
basically what Robert Pattinson has done

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He was hot and got offered a ton of projects but chose the wrong ones. Probably because he had shitty agents.

Because after the role of a lifetime he was busy.

He won an Oscar for Trumbo in 2016 ffs

He played an autistic little fuck with no balls or sense of self-control

This guy gets it.