What makes a person enjoy a film like this? How do you get to the point in your life where you watch something like this and think "Ahh, that was a nice film."
What makes a person enjoy a film like this...
>What makes a person enjoy a film like this?
Being attracted to canines
what are you talking about OP you said you enjyoed it
I've yet to like a film or agree with an opinion made by Jodorowsky. Even that anti-american rant was too much for me.
Not being a normie piece of shit NPC.
It's provocative and interesting imagery. Films aren't all supposed to be the same, inoffensive and unmemorable slop time after time OP
I'm American and I hate the shit out of them.
Fucking German farming family and these god damn mutts can't stop coughing for five fucking seconds.
>every film that does something unique and different is good
fuck off
you have to just realize its stylized shitposting on the big screen.
then you start laughing and enjoy the ride
That would imply Jodorowsky is self-aware. Nigga is the Paulo Coelho of movies.
THM is unironically one of my favorite films
an anti-capitalistic sentinent
being non npc
have done drugs before
being on a spiritual voyage
Try being less narrow minded
As someone who loves many old arthouse films, it's shit
It's almost like Jodorowsky preempted the current pretentious dreck we get that acts gratuitously "deep" yet says nothing like Upstream Color or Mother!
>an anti-capitalistic sentiment
>being non npc
>an anti-capitalistic sentiment
i don't think those things are inherently npc, but when you put them all together and on top of it liking films by jodorowsky, well, it's very npc
The real question is how do you get to the point in life where this utterly entry-level film seems like it's remarkably 'pretentious'
A pretentious film is one that isn't deep, but is trying to be deep, something most entry-level art films are
I hate Gravity for this very reason. It isn't symbolism if it is on your face for like 30 seconds.
This lol
I've seen many, many more obscure films that are a lot deeper and say many more complex subtle things then this piece of shit.
>you are a npc if you don't like the current system
I like the weirdness and visuals, do you think that is wrong of me?
srsly guys retard here, what was the message of the holy mountain?
Wizards are gay and movies are just another form of silly alchemy (meaning a lot of colorful nonsense)
Here's a hint. It starts with DUDE and ends with LMAO.
It's good because it's weird, how can you not understand that? I don't care about no "meaning" or other pseud garbage, i just like to see some crazy shit
just bee urself
Turned it off after 20 min.
Absolute garbage.
> read and study Hermes Trismegistus, Yung ,Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley
> be a foreigner
> take psychs
Anything original is implicitly worthwhile, even if it's awful.
when will novelty junkies be acknowledged as mentally ill?
Jodorowsky is not a great director. There are directors who worked with surrealism and weird images much better.
Upstream Colour is a simple story about characters stripped from the identity, trying to rebuild their life. The plot itself is a bit scifi but simple and basically everything is explained.
Mother! was quite simple too. Extremely unsubtle film.
Also films don't have to say anything. It can just be a story or a character study you idiot.
>There are directors who worked with surrealism and weird images much better
Lynch is the best mainstream example.
Wojciech Has
Jacques Rivette
Raul Ruiz
Shuji Terayama
Jean Cocteau
Juraj Herz - The Cremator, Morgiana
Peter Greenaway
Lucio Fulci
Dusan Makavejev
David Cronenberg
Sergei Parajanov to a certain extent
Ken Russell
Stefan Uher
Alain Resnais
Nicolas Roeg
Andrzej Zulawski
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Jaromil Jires
Kenneth Anger
Maya Deren
Luis Bunuel
Frantisek Vlacil is a bit dreamlike/surreal too