Was he based or cringe?

was he based or cringe?

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not as cringe as you being too chickenshit to post on Yas Forums

probably the only based character in a while. he is definitely a role model that you should aspire to become.

based but bluepilled


He was a cringy manchild who panicked every time it looked like he might have been bested and when he was cornered in the end, he didn't even have the dignity to face death like a man.

The show went to shit when L died.

Based, but his plan was cringe. There are millions of criminals across the world, and manually writing down their names is a really inefficient way of reducing crime. He should have forced world leaders to do his bidding and utilized government institutions instead.

He was based and so was L

>based or cringe?


I applaud him for posting here and not with those smug autists on Yas Forums

Based for ripping off Ballard, cringe for not ripping off a better writer

manchild? He was still in high school wasnt he? He WAS a child. I am pretty sure he was 17. He had never been in any situation like that before, his reaction were fine for someone of his intellect but also his age.

>beaten by a literal tranny manchild

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near was based, L was cringe. near wasn't afraid of being dirty to win, if L was a real man, he would have had light executed

You make Deathnote sound new.
Please continue

>nooo people who actually watch anime are meanie :(

He's 19 and acts like a shrieking pubbie after L figures out what college he goes to.

>"Uh, Light, why are most of the names you put down black people?"

He should have not fucking killed people in Japan. That was his first mistake. With the fucking internet at his disposal plus the ability to kill anyone by simply seeing their face and writing their name down, and he chooses to kill people in Japan first.

have you retards just woken up from a ten year long coma
Yas Forums has been a garbage shounenspic generals board for like half a decade now

this. He also seemed to only kill criminals in his country right?

He spread them out at first.
L only realized he was in Japan because his first kill was in Japan.

that's like stating Yas Forums only discusses marvel, dc and star wars

Not really, Yas Forums is 50%+ capeshit only during the month of a capeshit release, Yas Forums is 50%+ shounenshit at literally all times. Open catalogs of both boards and count the threads.

literally every month is the month of shounenshit releases

well you know, he is wanted for murder......

doesn't seem to be the case at the moment. The tourists are all busy playing videogames

Hunter x Hunter

i wanted DN adaptation to have this dilemma since the most US prison inmates are black, in a perfect adaptation imagine attractive and incredibly smart and perfect guy killing niggers and calling them filthy lol

i just cant believe the netflix movie made light a little bitch and turned misa misa into a power hungry whore who didnt give a shit about light

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L was willing to get dirty, he was going to have some prisoner write a name to test the 13 day rule and he used a prisoner on TV to see how the the slayings worked real time.