So when the fuck is this stupid Pandemic going to end?

So when the fuck is this stupid Pandemic going to end?

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wish it never ended

when each major country loses its agreed upon amount of citizens

who knows lol. spanish flu shit lasted 2 years and btfod more people on the second wave than the first.

3 factors.
1. Enough testing to verify people have either developed the antibody and can go out and those who haven't can continue quarantining.

2. Successful medical treatment in the form of a drug, drug cocktail, or therapy to minimize the fatl symptoms or prevent the disease from advancing to a fatal form.

3. A vaccine in sufficient quantities to give to all people at risk.

A couple of thousands deaths later.

Literally why does anyone care about some old people and children dying? I get cancelling schools, but everything else is way too overboard

the whole only boomers dying is a myth. lots of dead people are people in their 20's and 30's too.

boomers aren't the only old people

In May because that's when Daddy Trump is supposed to open everything up.

Hopefully it takes awhile

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>why would anyone care about children dying
yeah I dunno l

Stupid normalfag roommate would rather hang out with other retarded normalfags instead self isolating. What do i tell him to stop him from going out and getting us both infected?

dunno, maybe try not being such a pussy

Dear lord... Corono only targets criminals. The older you are, the more likely you've done bad shit which is why it looked like it hit elderly people more than younger people.

Nobody seems to be able to answer this.

If you overlay the black, latino and asian populations over a map of the affected, shit lines up. I guess that means Italians weren't white after all.

Did you know that H1N1 was more widespread and killed more people in 2014-2015? Odd how you never heard a peep about it.

When it causes society to collapse and/or kills everybody hopefully

The handful of young people dying from this are obese or carrying some faggy condition like asthma

When they find a cure

Hopefully long enough to bankrupt the movie industry

I invested in stocks and made 700 dollars so far in 2 weeks

because the average age of world leaders has never been higher

Show me one (1) {uno} [eins] example of a COMPLETELY healthy 20 something who kicked the bucket after contracting the wuhan flu.

1. 4-6 months
2. 6-12 months
3. 14-16 months

When every American and European is dead


With the second wave coming (kind of doubtful considering warmer temps tends to fuck over covid), we'll most likely have a form of herd immunity anyway.

>Did you know that H1N1 was more widespread and killed more people

Yes, but you're being dishonest here because that's only the case because it was massively more widespread, infecting many millions, while having a much lower death rate and a much milder impact upon its carrier's lungs, effectively becoming a 'regular' flu. COVID-19 is far, far more dangerous, espcially to older people, and if it were to become as wide spread as other flues we'd see regular mass die-offs of older people and significantly reduced lung function for enormous numbers of people. This is what we want to prevent.

>yes but you're being dishonest here
LMAO. I ain't reading the rest, it's probably some generic doomer shit. Explain why the media said jack fucking shit about H1N1

>Explain why the media said jack fucking shit about H1N1
They hyped the shit out of H1N1. What the fuck are you talking about

These are only the ones made public. A distant relative working at a hospital told us a good chunk of the ICU is filled with some younger people. College kids who went to a party during spring break. 3 of them were perfectly fit except for contracting the virus died within a week of being admitted.

Yeah it's totally a boomer disease. Go out and make some friends user.

>CDC doesn't actually track number of flu deaths because they're non-reportable
>posting no numbers or sources
>your dad works at nintendo and knows for a fact this """pandemic""" is a jewish psy-op
Please go sanitize a NYC subway terminal with your tongue.

Fucking post some hype articles then

>he doesn't remember H1N1
how old are you? be honest