I found I enjoy movies a lot more when there is a beautiful woman with a great neck in the lead role. What kinos would you recommend for a neckophile auteur such as myself?
Neckkinos only
>hey. Hey you there scrolling past without recommending me neckkinos. I hope you still have a awesome day fsggot
I can only recommend Supergirl, the show that got me into necks.
Anyone else got anything? Not sure if you can beat the benoist
are those tit real
I think they are
Guys I'm worried where's Debicki? Is she kill?
What is it about necks that's attractive lads?
call me crazy but I think she has nice boobies
the neon demon
>This man Ellies
I know what you did last summer
>chokers actually made a comeback couple years ago but disappeared after like 2 months.
Freaking sucks
I still haven't seen it but Sucker Punch looks like it has some decent necks in it.
Side note sure if your aware but that movie has become a cult classic online
I have a long neck and I hate it, I always need to wear something with a high collar
>movie tries to make a all female movie
>cast all ugly women
What did they mean by this?
Lounging necks are S tier evolution. Let's you eat the taller leaves and survive. Embrace your slutty neck
>swn suffocate you with her neck
Why even live?
Dumping the other 2 Benoist pictures i have in this set if anyone wants them
begging to be kissed
I'm sad that Netflixverse marvel got cancelled. Luke Cage still had to bang Coleen and Karen at some point. What a player
if you can't tell who cares?
>that movie has become a cult classic online