Why was it so controversial?
Why was it so controversial?
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It depicted a scene in which Jesus imagines what it would be like if he accepted Satan's offer to help him not be crucified. He doesn't accept the offer, it's just in his head, but some Christians got upset at it for some reason
jews are triggered by everything
Because It might anger the invisible sky wizard.
Martin Scorsese is a hardcore Catholic though you imbecile
it's funny/ironic since Mohammed actually accepted the deal a few hundred years later
No he is not. In fact all his religious movies are in a way, criticisms of faith.
Similar to Bergman but without the intellectual effect Bergman had.
This movie isn't even good. Technically and thematically. Sure the images aren't real because it's a thought, but Marty doesn't respect the source material. It's sacrilege to show Jesus like that.
Jesus was the son of god AND the son of man. He was susceptible to the same temptations as any man because he had the same mortal flaws. They made a big point of this with the stories about him being a child in the temple and whipping the merchants in anger.
no it's not, Jesus was temped with worldly rewards by Satan, it's in the Bible. The new vatican 2 that's run by Lucifer can't deal with actual Catholics like Marty and Mel Gibson
>whipping the merchants in anger.
this wasn't sinful or a "flaw". Anger is righteous when used justly.
The Vatican banned Marty and Mel?!
Scorsese is absolutely catholic thoigh his movies are about retaining your faith in moments of hardship (Silence). That said, most of the best Christian movies are by atheists- Bergman, Pasolini, Dreyer.
yep, Mel even started a pre-Vatican 2 church that's all the rage
based virtue signaling user
that doesn't mean what you think it means
I thought the whippings was just him trying to flock them out, not necessary out of revenge
The soundtrack for this movie is pretty good.
The movie can be rather surreal/dream like at times, like the scene when Jesus seemingly ripping his heart out and showing it to his disciples.
I wouldn't use "hardcore" to describe him nearly as much as just "was raised in an ethnic Catholic neighborhood and still identifies with it for cultural reasons."
It's adapted from a book that was written by an Orthodox Christian but placed on the Vatican's condemned books list before that list was nullified in like the 60s.
>that doesn't mean what you think it means
couldn't agree more, based virtue signaling user
The Vatican is run by jews now.
Are you implying that wasn't always the case?
I'd argue it wasn't a few hundred years ago.
yes you fucking retard
Depicting John the Baptist ("whom no one born to man is greater than") and his followers as pseudopagan writhing lunatics. Desecration of the precious wounds through showing Satan kissing them, and other images meant to provoke and disgust that may seem innocuous to non-believers. Marty's Jesus blasphemes, idolatrizes, and is utterly consumed by doubt and anger -- the film forgets He was also fully divine and misconstrues that being man meant He shared in our broken fallenness. Modernist cucked theologians might subscribe to a fallen nature theory but even they could not ignore that Marty's Christ (in name only) is straight up a sinner. Jews/critics and imageboard atheists will posit "uuhhhh actually its just showing his humanity" but they don't get it and have no sincere interest in scripture much less a belief in it.
Seing our salvation comes through Jesus' sacrifice, If Jesus had not died, would we have received salvation?
he wasn't a child when he did that, as a child he would go debate the philosophers that hung out at the temple, he was about 20 when he lost his shit and drove the happy merchants out of the temple
God hates you
not worth thinking about, since it did happen
If Adam and Eve never ate the fruit we would all be automatically saved and never die.
>It's sacrilege to show Jesus like that
Keep seething christianfag
You realize the movie is based on a book of the same title. The source material is Kazantzakis' work, not the bible.
doesn't make it any less sacrilegious, i'd even say blasphemous
>jesus didn't want to be the son of god
>jesus wasn't pure because he was tempted by the devil
>has religious contrasting symbolism
>is catholic