What would you do in this situation?

What would you do in this situation?

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typical man
thinks sexual assault is a sign of their desirability

She’s literally giving consent

l2read also


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get a therapist to cope with your homosexuality.

ur gay if you wouldn’t

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No way fag

i bet you would suck on his penis

She probably drank a beer earlier that year, so is legally not able to give her consent, you monster.

I'd rather take Dr faucis advice than do that.

Attached: FaucitheGrey.jpg (640x420, 25.31K)

I would kiss her

tell him i'm very flattered but i'm not gay

suck her dick

women love rape fantasies

this show made me regret not enjoying my highschool years. Yeah the characters in the show went through hard things, but literally went through nothing, no friends, no gfs, no crazy parties, no relationships. For those anons who are still in school, pls try to enjoy life. Don't do what i did.

but i* literally went through nothing

Are you supposed to ask before you kiss a girl? I've never asked a girl if I can kiss them before, I just go for it an gauge their reaction.

You are literally me, user. I am now a 27 year old KHV-NEET and I feel stunted and stuck feeling the bitterness of the life I never lived. Pretty bad life all in all.

peel the stickers off her eyes

no, you're just supposed to get lucky and time it correctly. If you ask to kiss a girl you fuck up the moment and look like a pussy, however if you go in for the kiss without asking and they don't want it you look like a creep

Welcome to the world of women.

or you can just learn to read body language

start gay bashing him

If you cant tell when a girl wants you to kiss her you dont deserve female contact.

Make out with her and play tummysticks.

Not even into trannies, but Hunter's able to make xirself look attractive enough where I think you'd have to be a pretty boring faggot to not wanna experiment at least once with xir.

>Calls Nathan and his dad faggots
trannie lovers btfo?

>Can I kiss you

Quickest way to get a woman's panties to dry up

>bawww high school sucked I didn't do drugs get raped or try to kill myself

You guys are so weird.

kissing sucks