Why do people think she's bitchy? Her husband is hiding his cancer, running around keeping secrets...

Why do people think she's bitchy? Her husband is hiding his cancer, running around keeping secrets, refuses every opportunity to improve his life without resorting to criminal ways, drags her and the rest of the family down into a drug business against their will. She's in every right to be miffed at him. Walter's a fucking psychopath.

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She wasn't likeable overall. BB is filled with unlikable characters to be fair. Wigger Jessie and Walter C*ck are pretty cringe.


shes bitchy from the first episode

Probably because she's disrespectful and dismissive of the series protagonist, and later cheats on him.

On my first watch I thought she was a bitch, but when I rewatched I thought about the entire show from her perspective and with all the shit Walter put her through, she handled everything pretty well


she threatened to take his kids away too because muh danger even though heisenberg proved to be more dangerous than anyone.

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Her inability to control herself is why Flynn has cerebral palsy

>she threatened to take his kids away too because muh danger even though heisenberg proved to be more dangerous than anyone
I don't have kids but I imagine that if I did, I wouldn't want them to be under constant threat of being murdered because of how dangerous my partner is

Both of these. She’s a horrible, rude, overbearing shrew at the beginning, and it feels very clear she’s a bad partner to Walt. Their relationship is very unhealthy and she’s a huge part of the problem.

As the series progresses and Walt gets worse, I do feel sympathy for her. The more the series progresses, the less in-the-wrong she (generally) is.

sasuke's entire clan was murdered by his brother but i still think he's bitchy

I want to watch this show but I heard the female is so annoying that she just completely ruins the show. Is it still worth watching if I'm the type of person who has zero tolerance for bitchy females?

no don't watch it

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Imagine this dialogue from a female:
>shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP
now you tell me

In S1 she’s a necessary antagonist. Walt needs a bitch wife for the drama of sneaking around behind her back.

Beyond S2 she doesn’t really further the plot so you can just fast-forward. The show’s pretty compartmentalized between walt’s home-life and his work-life.

skip all jane episodes or you will become angry

Yeah. Though I sometimes wonder if she wasn't such a pain in the ass, albeit well meaning, if Walter would've gone as far. Half of his efforts are just to hide what's going on from Skyler.

I fucked Ted.

I was just about to say that. If they were in a healthy, loving, supportive marriage—where he felt able to open up to her and be honest about what’s going on—would the Heisenberg thing have ever happened?

And didn’t he give a whole speech about how he’s never had control over anything in his life? During the talking pillow episode?

True. I couldn't finish the damn thing because all of the characters just kind of sucked, or at least there was too many that sucked. Not that they were poorly written or anything, just their presence on screen irritated me.

to be fair walt did lead murderous criminals right to their home at least once every season

Because she is telling him to not do the only thing we want him to do. And she fucked Ted.
Not a sympathetic character

Hank is unwatchable before Season 3.. I think Walt's character trajectory would have been way better if they killed off Jesse like they planned to in Season 1. Instead of having him whining around for 3+ seasons.

she has a bitch ass face. She isnt cute or pretty or anything so we 100% do not tolerate ANYTHING from her. Her sister looks better and we put up with her theft problems.

If it was just Skyler it wouldn't be a big deal, but literally every female character in the show is a worthless bitch. Watch BCS instead for the perfect Kimfu.

>Walt claims he bought weed
>Skyler flips her fucking shit and lectures him about this being totally unacceptable behavior
>Skyler takes it upon herself to track down his alleged drug dealer and boss him around
This woman was repellent from the pilot episode

He could’ve just hired an entire team of Blackwater operators to protect his family 24/7.

The scenes with her that are not revolving solely around walter white are the worst of the show and made me drop it twice before finishing eventually.

That scene with her and Jesse was absolute kino, though.

Hank when he is crippled, Marie when she does her attention shit like stealing, Jesse, Jesse's friends like Badger and his stupid girlfriends, Skyler, Walt Jr, probably others I'm forgetting too as it's been a while since watching, they all were just irritating. The only characters fun to see were Walt, Tuco, Saul, the bald old guy who killed people, and Gus for the most part. I made it up to the point where Gus got blown up and I just stopped watching. I don't know if it was because a good character was killed off or what. Should've kept going because it seems like that was the start of Walt just giving in to being a bad guy, but all the other characters got on my nerves way too much.

She doesn't pursue any objective, she doesn't stop Walter, she doesn't help Walter, she only serves to slow everything down, and get in the way.

it's possible but it's still Walt's fault, he had the whole pride complex since back in the day.
skylar being annoying/bitchy doesnt make what happens her fault

>And didn’t he give a whole speech about how he’s never had control over anything in his life?
man I really should rewatch this show, skyler always did remind me of my mother

I agree. The Skyler character was very realistic. Script writers pulled this off well, and the actor was perfect for the role. It is a very underrated character ark and performance. Other writers have been inspired to try a similar thing and failed miserably, despite having talented actors at their disposal.

Well, I tried.

just because she had a reason to be bitchy doesn't mean she wasn't bitchy


but real answer walk is having all the fun in the show and skylar is the nag ruining the fun
i like her but i get it

also breaking bad is very overrated

also p.p.s hank is the best

Walter's character is portrayed as the man who lost his biggest chance at life to success by getting ripped off by his own former love interest and friend, he allowed himself to sink low into that kind of relationship with Skyler while having a retarded son and a brother that looked at him as this little goof who he could push around, is not that they're all essentially shitty to him, but it's the role he assumed and that's what he became for them, then the lung cancer comes in and he realizes how pathetic his life was, he said fuck all that at the brim of despair and death. People really go hard on Walt but I can see how his outlook in life changed him, he's spiteful about himself and that drove him to become a power-hungry madman.

God you’re so fucking right it hurts. She didn’t *do* anything except provide the story with all its filler. No tension, because you know she can’t stop Walt, and she can’t divorce him or the show will lose its format.

Tbh you aren’t missing out on much. Him as a true “villain” is kind of underwhelming. He isn’t a fraction of the criminal mastermind Gus was. He just cooks. He doesn’t do anything with distribution, or dealing with competition, or managing the business, or handling subordinate employees. The only “kingpin” thing he does would be the prison murders: Kino, but only for 2 minutes. Otherwise he’s just a boring cook. And then he gives up halfway through S5. And then Hank starts chasing him.

well yeah but he murdered people and enjoyed it
the shit that happened to him happens to people everyday, he chose to become a drug kingpin who fucking kills other people

Great take. We’re all shaped by our surroundings. What we experience affects who we are. It seems clear to me that without Elliot, Gretchen, Skyler, and Junior, there never would’ve been a Heisenberg.