/90df/ - 90 day fiance

How can one man he this based?

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Necks just get in the way

How is he a real person?

Mexican genetics

I just started the first episode. Does anything happen to Teddy?

Odelay, boys

Darcey needs to take a break from men and learn to love herself.

I actually feel bad for Darcy....

Feel bad for her kids who are gonna bare the brunt of her bad decisions

Darcy needs to get off the show, she’s annoying and takes time away from the other couples. She should focus on her children and her business

Rate the couple
Ed and Rosemarie
David and Lana
Usman and Lisa
Jeffrey and Varya
Yolanda and Williams
Ash and Avery
Stephanie and the other bitch

Her daughters are well adjusted. You can tell they know the men Darcey dates will not work out for her. Darcey is terrible with men but is probably a good mom

>Big Ed and Rose
>Usman and baby girl Lisa (fuck Lisa tho)

>everything else

Usman seems really nice, I feel bad for him and hope he gets his green card. Same with Rose. The rest of the couples this season are trash I agree

1) Ed and Rosemarie
2) Usman and Baby Girl Visa
3) Geoffrey and Varya
4) Ash and Avery (barely)
5) Stepanka and Erika

David and Lana / Yolanda and "Williams" don't count. These people are being catfished, and are too fucking stupid to live, or they are faking their entire story.

>Ed and Rosemarie
Ed is hilarious trying to live in the 3rd world
>David and Lana
I feel sorry for this simp. I wish someone will take all his online devices from him
>Usman and Lisa
Sojaboy is just using her for a green card. Lisa deserves to be scam for how disgusting she is
>Geoffrey and Varya
This couple is only interesting because of Geoffrey's past.
>Ash and Avery
pretty boring. I think Avery will be the reason the relationship doesn't work
>Stephanie and Erika
Steph is just doing this for more exposure.

Banging random dudes on national televison and acting like your still early 20 in your 40s on Instagram. A good mother does not make.

>Steph is just doing this for more exposure.

Yeah, she'll get more simps on her Onlyfans account, but I guess that's all she needs.

Who are the kino couples this season?

Big Ed(the guy in OP's pic) and Rose. Ed has no neck, uses mayonnaise for hair gel, and cheated on his ex-wife

>dude spent 100k on a chat app and now he’s going on some weirdo journey into war torn Eastern Europe in search for a woman who probably doesn’t exist

How does someone end up this way?

Sad that Usman and Baby Girl Visa never worked out, with his rapping style he would have unironically popped off in the US.


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I don't know user. They basically fall in love with an online avatar. They never speak to these women. Whenever they plan to meet these women in person the woman always cancels at the last minute. No matter how many times these women blow them off the simps can't let go

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Dude, he sounded like shit.
Plus dude's name was ridiculously close to a rapper who already came and went and got locked up for shilling Nockofftendos.

>"It's strange she doesn't know her. Lana visists the place all the time. Maybe she's new"

For fucks sake. Someone take the computer from him

I bet he falls for Facebook click bait

>If I buttoned the top button of your shirt, will you die?

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They should have had Caesar come along with David. Pure fucking kino

I'm guessing just a combination of sunken cost, a tragic history in love, and building up this fantasy.


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>or they are faking their entire story.
Yolanda knows Williams is a catfish. She's just clout chasing.

Is David even rich? Ik Caesar is a broke nigger but 100k on chats?! He must be loaded yeah?

>it would be extremely breath taking

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Varya is right. All drug dealers should hang

This. I skip her part all the time now. Its not even funny. The show is call 90 day fiance but no one want to marry her desperate ass.

How is Durgesh so based

This. pretty BASED taste.


Who else was dying last week when Tom fucking ROASTED Darcy.

He didn't say what he does for a living but he appears to be well off. He's made enough to where he can retire. Dude was planning to buy or has brought a $300,00 RV

He might be loaded but he might also just be an absolute retard who pissed away a nice little nest egg and put himself into debt for his chatbot.

I’d marry her user, those yitties

Hmmmmm I suppose
He's still an epic simp lord and idk why he's so stubborn
A nasty plow at best

>anne and David unfollows Tom after that ep

I can't even watch one episode of Darcy garbage

Jessie will be featured later this season dating another American woman. Maybe he'll dab on Darcy again

>Did you gain weight?


why so many hate about Ed? All he ask was about her past. Rose is the one that already wants to marry him but refuse to be open

Such a simple toothless insult, and it's going to haunt that poor blowup doll for the rest of her life.

He did not say that
If so I've totally missed that

He's just an idiot with zero tact.
Idiot was yelling about getting an STD test since before he got on the plane.
There's being open about your past but then there's that stupidity.
If you think she's a whore, get her to open up about that and then since SHE told you she's a pretty high risk for STDs, tell her to get the damn test.
And ontop of that, moron knew he was diving into a third world shithole but didn't mentally prepare and can't even hide the panic on his face.

yeah he did say ask Darcey if she gained weight. Rewatch the scene.

Watch it again, user.

He's a total creep
>my queen let me rub your feet
>can we kiss?
>my queen
Such a beta lol

I'm surprised I made it through this whole week without puking during their scenes

Can I halik you?


I was kind of giving Ed shit for being a little bitch about the third world situation but If it was be I’d draw the line at diseased half dead rat in the showers. Fuck that noise