Cast it.
Cast it
Fucking called it it was him.
what the fuck is wrong with this peckerwood?
He was sharing a 2 with 3 other guys. Also, he's da jokah babi
I think a lot of people did. He has dead eyes.
>that hair
Why do I have I live in a world where these people exist?
You're only 20% right because the rest of them as just as degenerate
the fuck is this
Yeah, but it was a question of who'd snap first. Look at all their expressions in photo 1, and guess.
is this Alabama Shakes?
Does that mean he was dating a 5?
>share girl with 3 other guys
>”main” guy gets her pregnant
>no more sex or emotional support
>in quarantine 24/7
>still has to live with 3 other guys
Sadly, it was his only way out.
Don't trust people with colored hair.
I have no idea user. I consider myself an open-minded forward-thinking guy, but the 21st century is nothing but disappointment for me. This was supposed to be the era where humanity was going to advance itself to a higher level of coexistence and scientific progress would benefit us mentally, physically, and socially.
Instead we live in this clown world. It makes me feel sorry for any kid born today because they'll inherit a real shithole.
And you know what's funny? Look at how much this quarantine and social distancing made the planet better. Nature is restoring itself. It makes me wish that we had a serious pandemic that kills off 3/4 of the populace. We can get revamp the world and maybe correct some of these mistakes.
It means he was getting .5.
Finally this fag gets cancelled
No. Anytime you're sharing a woman you gotta divide. So he was dating a 0.666...
seriously though
why are white people like this
Victory has defeated us.
Lmao black and Hispanic communities are just as bad, white people are just catching up
>brutal domestic violence between cis couples is a huge daily pandemic but doesn’t get headlines or threads on Yas Forums
Whoah seems like some sort of agenda, hmm
It's obvious bottom right was the most self-aware so was most likely to snap
Bolshevik Judaism can only go so far before it collapses on it self
I've never seen or heard about black and latinos talking about sharing their partner like this.
>This was supposed to be the era where humanity was going to advance itself to a higher level of coexistence and scientific progress would benefit us mentally, physically, and socially.
>natural selection
>genetic lottery
>don't diluting the gene pool
>facts don't care about your feelings
>sin against nature
>genetic dead end
>primal instincts
>slave to our genitals
black people are just as bad if not. nignogs actually record it as they do the abuse
Cope harder tyranny
Can someone provide a quick rundown of this basic gestalt
don't trust colored people, got it
You joking? Derrick Rose went to trial for rape because he let 10 of his friends fuck his gf.
white people...
If you go back and watch the video (which was taken down by the people who made it) he’s the one who says he’s jealous all the time, who looks annoyed, and isn’t at the baby’s ultrasound.
The main guy didn’t get her pregnant. It was the new fourth guy. The main guy was a cuck who suggested it to her because he was gay for the second guy (the one who shook the baby) and admits to trying gay shit with him.
She's a 2/10 at best. Why the fuck would anyone want to hook up with her, much less share her with 3 other guys?