what happened to strong women?
What happened to strong women?
they probably worked out
You mean actually strong women? Hollywood is run by by gay men
I want a woman with this kind of musculature but also a substantial layer of body fat on top of it, and I want her to suffocate me with her pusy hair until I die
It's true, though most of then will claim they're bi sexual to get more roles but in reality most of your male leads today are most certainly gay and participate in devil worship
>armpit hair
kys yuropoop
they're all at my place
>mfw no muscle gf to bully me at night
more pics pls
They stopped existing in movie, so every random chick could project in the petite girls over powering 2 meters tall buff dudes
Strong women became stronk womyn.
It is now a parody of itself. Big fucking joke
>meet cute girl who plays soccer
>a little on the beefy side from her workouts and games
>curvy hind-parts and thighs
>abandons me after a few weeks of talking with no explanation
bros... i was so fucking close...
They got replaced by stronger women (trannies)
they still exist
Huge hulking men took over the category by force.
It's only right and natural.
strong women is an oxymoron
It's not fair
They started eating
>tfw no wheyfu gf to build the ultimate home gym, wrestler and set PRs with
It's not fucking fair
That's what you get from leaving your containment zones
Literally all I want in life is a gf who can beat the shit out me, spit on me, and call me a pathetic worm
I need one bros
>weeks of talking with nothing else happening
oof. You missed your chance to make a move.
imagine if she took a poo right then and there lol
Your joking but yet you’re still a disgusting little man with nothing. Only fantasies that grow increasingly out of touch. The first and only real thing will ever happen to you is your death. I feel such sadness for you.
umm sweetie, ALL women are strong.
imagine to be raped by her