Switching Genres Edition
Switching Genres Edition
Jesse's goo-goo eyes in the romance genre with the Theme From Love Story cracked me up
>yeah, so you know those tech giants and massive establishment power players...
>...the ones who are manifestly shit at predicting things in real life?
>we'ld like you to believe that they're going to get their shit together and be able to control you and the society in which you live
>and predict individual human behaviors with frightening accuracy
>OMFG they're awf their L00PS
is this show supposed to be a comedy now?
I'm still Reeeeing about what happened to Pom. I hope they put her data into a Host.
there's been a lot of intentional comedy this season and i've been enjoying it
"genre" was such a shitty plot device for this episode. it should have been like a side-mission that not-Jesse went on like that awful chink episode from season 2.
>dude I'm tripping balls
>here, take this gun
>Interracial couples start fighting and niggers begin to loot and kill
Is this show supposed to be bluepilled or what?
There was no point or reason for Liam Jr. to die other than some slay queen shit and not able to figure out what part in the story he could play down the road. He was not a bad person, and didn’t want Delores to die but his Cleaner forced him into it, Plus Delores did try to kill/kidnap him. He was an innocent player stuck in a rigged game.
>The Great White Chimpout
>aka The Day Karen Received Her Social Score
indeed. shits hilarious.
>turns out the gun is smarter than Jesse anyways so it's all good
So the niggers just blasted whitey and then simply walked off?
dolores bad loops good
i dont understand their motivation.
then again its a tranny
>dad gets killed in some Minority Report AI machine cover up ala Watchmen and POI Machine blank space with a Bane CIA plane crash assassination by the mastermind Serac
>Liam just gets shot by a rando chimping nigger and his body is taken away by some beach waves never to be recovered like an urban crime statistic
Dolores did nothing wrong.
>...And in that moment Jesse realized that Dolores was not just a #Stunning and #Brave woman
>It was not just #HerTurn
>Jesse realized that he had in fact been #MakingSpace for a killer robot.
I love how all the gung ho shit she got up to in no way clued him in. It was all perfectly normal behavior that a flesh-and-blood woman might naturally be capable of. She literally had to bullet sponge for him in order for him to put 2 and 2 together.
finish it
If you had a chance to kill the one guy who controlled your life and doomed you to be a neet incel, would you do it?
this episode won me back about 20 minutes in, then it went back to being hated 10 minutes before the end
Any /shrinkray/ Chads still watching?
bored and i have wageslave tomorrow, hopefully someone else finishes it
the new season of Westworld is a weird combo of a lot of cyberpunk movies
they keep playing terminator-ish synth stabs in the soundtrack to make us think Dolores is scary but I just think she's fucking cool and I want her to win
It's happening to all genre IPs and it's not just cyberpunk. They're intentionally recycling recent popular sci-fi / fantasy media. Not sure if it's just a female writer thing. Maybe they're singularly uncreative. Or maybe it's intentional so it would happen regardless
yes, the niggers defeated their programming and shot whitey instead of listening to their programming and shooting whitey
at least it's not as blatant as Mr Robot
>fading American flag hinting at the triumph of globalism and the defacto irrelevance of America as a nation.
Bravo NolanJoy
It's basically Millennials ripping off better Boomer genre writers but making it watered down accessible to Zoomers
oh god im just watching mr robot arent I