Can reality tv be kino?

Can reality tv be kino?

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is coffee good for you

90 day fiancé
Keeping up with the Kardashians
Both pure kino, there are countless shows.

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No. Reality tv is why I stopped watching tv and mainly watch youtube

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trash reality tv is genuinely the most entertaining form of media

No, but it can expose some good talent.

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Yes, but only shows like Top Chef, Blown Away, and Project Runway

which one is this jesus fuck id do anything


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Is she the hottest billionaire?

Not in its current form. Maybe decades ago, but the way modern reality television is written is just low brow.

pic related

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its only like 5 calories and gives you energy so its not so bad



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>she will never make a porno

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>tfw you see the pictures before the plastic surgery and airbrushing

No McKenzie Bezos is hotter

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There’s always hope for leaks

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