What am i in for

What am i in for

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Decent enough part FIVE (thus were you expecting high art at this point) action cheese that's fun enough one watcher.

Im 5 mins in and he's apparently shacked up with some goblina and he's cucked taking care of some guys daughter

Best movie of 2019.

it's shit. he even rapes a 16 year old girl after shooting her up with heroin. pretty insane.

Yeah pretty much this.
I expected Rambo killing Cartel members, that's what you get. Its not as good as 4 but its entertaining still.
When I saw it at the theater people were whining about it, not sure what they were expecting from a Rambo movie

>I'm going to Mexico! =D
>Why on Earth would you want to go there?

Goblina is girls, grandmother iirc?
Girl is his niece


Turned it off. Ill just rewatch 2049 till i fall asleep

>Ill just rewatch 2049 till i fall asleep
>He liked BR 2049
oh so youre just gay. Makes sense now

>goes to mehico
>yellow coloring

The movie is too cartoony and retarded, it's a caricature.

Watch it for the "Mira puta" scene.

Attached: fanther+and+son.jpg (383x680, 46.38K)

dead spics and kino

Cartel kino.

The older woman was his dads housekeeper now the ranch manager. He is not really related to either but has been in the girls life for 10 years since her mom died of cancer , before that he beat up the real dad for beating his wife when she was sick

Pretty boring but the last 30 minutes is kino

The script was around since before number 4 was filmed and was supposed to be filmed soon after 4. Originally when he comes home to his dad's ranch he finds out he had a daughter he never knew about. Either the daughter or granddaughter was kidnapped by a cartel

>He is not really related to either but has been in the girls life for 10 years since her mom died of cancer
Huh? Thought the girl was his sister's daughter?

i thought the rape would only last 30 sec to a min, but fuck did they keep it going for 30 min or so

The only fun part was the last 20 minutes, Home Alone with Stallone.

Considering how nowadays Hollywood likes to show dicks chopped off and people getting shot in the balls when rape is involved, I was actually surprised there was just one hammer to the dick scene.

The usual shit, action hero goes to whatever the media says is the new foreign hotspot to shit on.

I've been impatiently waiting for Rambo to tool up and slaughter unjust pigs at home, like the first movie, but the public are a bunch of bootlicking torture porn fiends, so we'll have to settle for this trash.

>smash the man's genitals scene
guess it balances the scene Arnie came up with where he smashes the female terminator's head into a toilet.

I don't think so, i should pirate it and watch it again with subtitles. He just knew the family since before the girl was born

just looked it up. Looks like youre right and Rambo's just "uncle" cause he was around.


Attached: Rambo.Last.Blood.-1.webm (1280x534, 2.84M)

There was a story of a guy that took on a cartel alone in his ranch but died, I thought this would be based on his famous story. It would have been better if it was more grounded in reality but this is Rambo III levels of shite.

>Rambo III levels of kino
Sorry that youre to gay to appreciate the movie

Rambo died at the end, it is a dream sequence with the credits as he passed out that he rides his horse off into the sunset.

I want stalone to man handle me. Is that gay?