Movies that are really american propaganda
Movies that are really american propaganda
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How about you lick this butt you filthy nigger, the military defends out freedom in the middle east and all you do is sit around and talk about movies
based and patriotpilled
>communists when they see a poor person
Thats not enough, they have to belittle our country and our greatest ally in the mid east so their stupid economic system can feel better, when they know capitalism is the true way and our military is the best
>someone who's not american
>criticizing america
infinite cope
Why are Yanks so butthurt and obsessed (obese)?
Damn right, buddy, these stupid europeans would all be under soviet or nazi rule without us
>Wage slaves when they defend capitalism
>inb4 Venezuela
Why do people who insult you for being a bootlicker tend to be communists, the most bootlicker ideology in history?
not real communism
>inb4 venezuela
But thats exactly what it would be dumb socialist
most of europe was already opposed to the nazi uprising
Why are brits so fucking cowardly?
stonetoss porn when
desu i'd much rather lick hitler's boots than a tranny's
Yeah thats why they were loosing the war before us "yanks" joined in
keking at your life
Hitler was based and Churchill was a retard read degrelle
How does killing a bunch of sand niggers at the other side of the World helps keep America free?
based. Centrists always win
based eurobro
go fuck a teakettle you bitchass calling cookies biscuit ass fucking muslim ass bitch how about you lose an entire seafaring empire again faggot your great grandmother needed so much dick your country took over the world to get her enough go fuck some black pudding while thinking of the queen faggot your food is so shit africa chased you out so they could go back to eating dirt dont you have a muslim bull to prep or is it time to put fucking beans on fucking toast & pretend you dont want to kill yourself are you gonna pray to allah when youre done here or jack it with your big ben dildo
id tell you to slit your wrists but you dont have ANY FUCKING KNIVES DO YA
i tried searching "best blowjob ever" on pornhub but all i could find was your COUNTRY FUCKING SUCKING BITCHFAG
Hitler was a psychopath and a weak man.
Cause I got my dick blown off in Iraq you insensitive fuck.
Why don't you go pick on a retarded kid while you're at it? And not one of the ones with super strength, a normal retarded kid.
You clearly dont understand preemptive military campaigns, take out the enemy before they become the enemy
Keking at your poor socialist country
Sounds like the logic of a sucker punching nigger
Lone survivor
Patriots day
Somehow, having 10 people dog you around without engaging you seems a lot more oppressive than them just trying to take you down.
I mean, seriously-- imagine being stuck in a situation you can't possibly hope to win while the enemy is also taking their time waiting for you to submit calmly.
So if im walking down the street and see a nigger approaching me i should shoot him just in case?
Says the poor brown person in a sand country
American Sniper
It's fairly entertaining but it's some real pro-war shit.
No racist
You guys serve a sand country.
Tfw you will never lick Hitlers feet
We created them they serve us you anti semite
People that post that image ironically love defending authoritarian shitholes like China and the USSR.
>they serve us
then why did you make them do this?
That was an accident you retard, nothing came of it or uss liberty for a reason theyre our allys
no, we work with them in joint operations to secure oil and do more for the global economy than anything you'd propose
>it was just an accident haha
>we didn't call them out on it because they're our aplies
I think I can see who is in charge in this dynamic.
The only thing US wars have done in the ME is create more enemies.
911 would never have happened were it not for your greedy capitalist oligarchs that rule your country
Our greedy capitalist oligarchs have built a better quality of life than any of your shitty country's
Yeah the US, we forgave them for a mistake