is he right
Is he right
he's wrong about shrek 2 and hellboy 2, the rest all have some decent ground to be right on. shrek 1 and hellboy 1 are genuinely great films and their sequels never matched up to their quality
>blade runner 2049
I like fistful of dollars and new hope more but good list
The Winter Soldier
jesus, I saw the other thread about this tweet and somehow assumed that first line meant the Star Wars sequels and TLJ specifically and immediately threw Gunn on the ignore completely pile
he's still an idiot, but at least he's not THAT stupid
Toy Story 2 3 and 4 are all worthless shit
Why is half this list capeshit? Do normalfags know that there is more to cinema than superhero movies?
>Shrek 2
Entire opinion discarded
Where's Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2?
>Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
KINO shlock of the highest order
Toy Story 1 actually has an interesting character dynamic. Toy Story 2, 3, and 4 are dull in comparison because they push Woody's niceness too far and make it too much about friendship.
Bride of Frankenstein is a masterpiece, and explores the monster's character a lot more than the first, but Frankenstein is better made
Hellbound: Hellraiser 2
he didn't list that but he should have
probably because it's mostly blockbuster shit that gets sequels?
based, everyone even on Yas Forums thinks Shrek 2 is superior to 1, but I just don't see it. I thought it was shit/boring/inferior when it was new. Unless I somehow didn't "get it" when I was a kid and I'd appreciate it a lot more as an adult. I'm sure I'd still love 1 though.
>he's wrong about shrek 2 and hellboy 2
Don't lump TS2 with 3 and 4. 2 is fantastic.
Wrong on almost all of them.
Star wars > empire strikes back
This isn't even a debate. Godfather 2 is boring as hell. Shrek 2? Wtf?
Mad max > road warrior. This one exposed him
Absolute pleb.
It generally considered, at least amongst normies, that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is better then the first.
So I guess props to Gunn for not being an egotistical douchecunt and putting GotG2 on the list.
>star wars
He watches capeshit and actually tries to have conversations with people about them. anything he says is automatically wrong
Scanned for Terminator 2, didn't see it. He dodged the pleb trap, good in my book.
the first hellboy had more crazy fights and scenery in general
though I did wanna fuck that elf lady in 2
Did Pinhead and crew actually wear scrubs while in the hospital? Holy crap it’s even better then I remember.
Terminator 1 is excellent. T2 only has better special effects. T1 is proof of concept executed perfectly while T2 was subverting expectations but with more optimism.
Half of those are meme options like Shrek 2, The Empire Strikes Back and Hellboy.
I suppose he has the same opinion about GotG 2 despite the first has a better pacing
Shrek 2 > Shrek solely for this reason
Haven't seen
Don't remember
Also, Bad Boys 2
>Paddington 2
>Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
watching it now, what am i in for?
the bit with Holding out for a Hero is fantastic and really makes for a great climax in shrek 2, but the track lineup in Shrek 1 and the moments they highlighted serve the film better than Shrek 2's did.
Shrek intro easily surpass that shit, Shrek 2 was the beginning of the end when they started to feel more like a Disney thing than their own
>Bad Boys 2
extremely based
Les Invasions Barbares
>watches capeshit
Do you not know who James Gunn is?
Calling Spider Man 2, Hellboy and X2 capeshit. Those are the real pleb filters
Road Warrior is still the best Mad Max movie.
Hot take: Aliens > Alien
Unfortunately the scene was cut. I just thought it was a cool picture
Shrek 2 is funnier for most people at the time because they can understand the excessive pop culture references. Shrek 1 aged better.
Impossible to describe this masterpiece in one sentence
Bad Lieutenant with Cage wasn't a sequel
Evil Dead 2 being better than 1 is a soipinion
FFDM being better than Fistful is iffy
>Port of Call New Orleans
>For a Few Dollar More
The real question is what series escape the trilogy curse. So far I can think of off the top of my head:
John Wick
Captain America
Indiana Jones
Dollars Trilogy
Evil Dead
I know I'm missing some, what are they?