A nigga just got his stimulus check. What kino should I buy?

A nigga just got his stimulus check. What kino should I buy?

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Blu ray copy of Pootie Tang

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did you get direct deposit in your bank or a check?

wheres my money

ew nigga. you smell like French fries

>What kino should I buy
I don't understand the question

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Proof or you're lying

Direct deposit pimp

Stop coping nigga and just be patient you’ll get yours

its my money and i want it now!

FF7 Remake

unironically drugs

Buy that baby
>straight up cash

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I'm gonna use mine to pay off a payday loan so I can get another payday loan.

They are actually being sent out. If you filed taxes this year or last year with direct deposit it should be going into whatever account your tax return went to. I honestly wasn't even expecting it, but I checked my bank account yesterday to see how much money I had to work with for the week and there's a pending deposit for $1200 scheduled for Wednesday. If you didn't file taxes no idea what extra you have to do.

Call 877-CASH-NOW!

You basically just file a simple tax return so they have you info.

>Call 877-CASH-NOW!


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Yeah this is what happened for me. Same with the refund on my Bernie donation.

was it for your whole household or just you

Just me bro

>free money for nig nogs

Got mine around 9ish tonight. It’s not very exciting though, it’s just paying my mortgage this month

anyone else in your home that got theirs?

Nah just me. Did you file?

So is this what it feels like to be black

mortgage = death wager

>did you get direct deposit in your bank or a check?
yeah but i read something that said it was per household so im worried i wont get anything

when you see black people yelling "get money" it usually means "i spent all my money"

no, the media isn't coddling you, nor are universities lowering their standards for you, nor are cops profiling you because your skin colour makes you statistically more likely to be a criminal.

Sheeeeeiiiiit gov doesn’t have my bank account info. I always owe them every year. Thanks drumpf

That’s absurd bro I don’t think that’s true. Lotta misinformation out here. Stay up my nigga!