Other urls found in this thread:
>the characters are just uglier
Any more kinos that women will never understand?
yeah I'm thinking based
>demonstrates elements that appeal to a particular gender
Well, fair enough.
I'd still have sex with her doe
That's Mad Men but alright
it's possible to agree with her under the basis that men are better than women
Is she right? Should she?
All of them.
Oh for fucks sake
She is actually giving them good advice and their mocking faces make genuinely mad.What the fuck?
all women are whores
I've never met any girl who liked good movies because she liked them. They only liked them because the guy she wanted to bang liked them
Do you think women have the capacity or patience to understand Breaking Bad?
wops BTFO
I wouldn’t. She looks like a pig
>google her
>nothing comes up aside from her ig
>some olmec midget
literally who?
I would make her watch Sopranos with me and then in turn watch Gossip Girl with her.
Maybe there is something great in Gossip Girl I am overlooking.
But if there isn't I would endlessly mock her.
The drama and romance is the worst part of Mad Men, you watch it for the comfy 60's nostalgia and to watch Don come up with increasingly complex and creative pitches to sell products.
>Blair will never be your wife
It hurts bros
Kek this
remember guys
wmaf = not even once
My girlfriend, her sister and my mother all love the sopranos and none of them want to bang tony or paulie walnuts
So is she going to fuck another hapa? Doubtful.
My mom and her sister love the Sopranos
white men are cancelled.
when she said to study AI they laughed because they know they are way too stupid for that
I thought twitter banned this type of speech?
>The Savage was silent for a little. "All the same," he insisted obstinately, "Othello's good, Othello's better than those feelies."
>"Of course it is," the Controller agreed. "But that's the price we have to pay for stability. You've got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art. We've sacrificed the high art. We have the feelies and the scent organ instead."
>"But they don't mean anything."
>"They mean themselves; they mean a lot of agreeable sensations to the audience."
Mixed Race/Halfies are always, always poisonous. Both parents could be relatively well adjusted and perfectly reasonable people, but the kid will always be a disaster. Stuck between two worlds, angry at themselves and usually their father figure, unable to align the cultural compass within themselves. They become self-destructive, and unsatisfied with their own self-destruction, lash out at everyone else and then onward to society.
no, anti-white racism is allowed
you can't be racist against white people
subscribe to onlyfans
vote bernie.
>muh anecdotes about muh based wahmahn in my family
Ten bucks says that every time this is posted its a complete lie
Why are these westernised Asian so insecure
God I hope my kids don't turn out to be faggots like them
unless they are asian
>capacity or patience to understand Breaking Bad?
Seriously? Breaking Pleb is easy as fuck to understand.
Kino that alt right retards cant understand
>drag race
>Eveything pretty much
> a post that doesn't fit my worldview
> must be a lie
Yas Forums really is the dumbest board on here
I like how the (((writers))) tried to deconstruct 1960s white america yet it's just so naturally appealing that people look fondly on the show's setting anyway
>this thing opinates
She's wrong because The Sopranos is top tier character drama, not because it's got action or it's about the mob.
But most Yas Forumsposters seem to think that great drama is the same thing as soap opera melodrama so really you're just as stupid as her.
so many asians are whores for white men
Maybe if the posts weren’t so generic “dude my girlfriend/sister/mother is actually BASED who likes KINO” it wouldn’t be so unbelievable. You two posted the EXACT same thing. Almost like its a meme.
>it’s a hapa pretends to hate white people to fit in episode
Why are women such cunts? Is it social media?
Handsome like george raft