>Back in the old days you could send actors letters.
Has an actor ever replied to you in any way?
Back in the old days you could send actors letters
no, but I do remember writing a letter to alex rodriguez as a young lad, I think I even addressed it to yankee stadium
i'm literally the oldest person on this board and i turned 18 a few months ago.
nobody on this board had written any letters
I never reply to letters sent to me. My staff does that for me.
i sent warwick davis a letter years ago and i made the mistake of writing my return address on the envelope. to this day i cannot buy lucky charms cereal without it going missing.
i write letters and then once i get them perfect, i just type it into an email and throw out the hard copy. i like to pretend that the world still has some aesthetic value and isn't just designed to be as utilitarian as possible so i cn make more money for mr. shekelberg
2 success stories. Martin Sheen wrote back a nice letter and signed a West Wing "Bartlet for President" yard sign. Richard Dawson signed a Family Feud DVD cover for me. Super cool.
I emailed Mark Wahlberg and he replied a month later (after I emailed him again to ask if he received the previous email) accusing me of writing an email that was inconsiderately long and being a "worryingly delusional" person. He asked me not to email him again and and it really wasn't the reaction I was hoping for.
What did you write?
post the full thing
haha you got "lol didn't read" from Marky Mark
I sent Ryan Gosling a tweet asking for a lock of his pubic hair, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Dear Mr. Wahlberg / Mark, please don't continue beyond this sentence if you are busy or otherwise distracted with more pressing matters. You kept reading? Great! Well first for introductions. My name's [my name] and I've watched to all of your movies. Deepwater wasn't great in my opinion but Fighter really was a gripping watch. I digress. The reason for my writing you today is to inquire as to whether you could provide for me any advice that you would have given to yourself at a younger age when you were filming your first commercials and no-doubt dreaming of acting (and other) success? Wow, still haven't introduced myself, huh. Well, here's the slim. I'm 23 years old and I recently graduated from acting classes with a degree in dramataturgy. Suffice to say I've struggled to find a job but I have in the time I have been unemployed recorded several video auditions that I am confident will have a major effect on the way Hollywood perceive greek dramaturgic acting method should it find a producer willing to give it a chance. Here's when you come in, Mark (do you mind me calling you that?). I have discovered your address via legal means online and I am wondering whether you would be willing to receive my video portefolio in its entirety, along with the liner notes (I'll even throw in my photo for free!) and first of all give me your feedback on it and then, providing you enjoy it to pass it on to your Hollywood friends (I know how well-connected you folks are) so that I can avoid the dreaded reject pile of doom! Anyways, so let me know asap and I can have the Blu-ray on your straw 'Welcome' mat by the end of the week. If you'd rather I hand it to you in person and take some time to discuss our respective views on film contemporary and otherwise I would love to visit your house at [his address] and spend a few hours shooting the shit. So let me know Mark and we can then discuss the next step of our correspondence. Thanking you again and again, [my name].
i once got patrick bateman to give me these
Screenshot of this in your sent folder or its fake. No way anyone would actually send this.
Faggot midget brainlet. His letter is pretty tame and lame. Nothing unbelievable or "holy" about it.
Try placing a lot of lumps of pure iron around the cereal box. He heats that.
I miss the 80s!
Sent from my iPad
You would have to be seriously autistic not to see the problem here
Hates that I meant.
He's pretending to be someone else who liked his massively shit letter.
You're a snowflake virgin.
They were in awe of the letter, you literally autistic brainlet.
good job editing the shitty john maus letter copypasta
stop lying, liar
You still can. But would I do it? Nah.
This has the making of a new meme if it was longer- like the HUH? HUH? store copypasta
Now you can tweet to them.