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It was me, James
Joseph Wood
Joshua Harris
Is spectre bad? I don't remember hardly any of it and debating watching it agian
Jason Roberts
*sips champagne* when you were a little bebe pupping in your dyper jems, it was meh
Andrew Stewart
Why did Blofeld randomly shill his book to Bond?
Jose Perry
What a hack
Oliver Lee
Watched it last night, it’s really boring and bad. It’s really amazing how the Craig bond was supposed to be realistic. Yet they became just as goofy as Brosnan’s.
Liam Campbell
>"I'm DeArthur O'Vall Jourpain
What did he mean by this?
Gabriel Lee
>due it was me the whole time pulling the strings
What a boring shitty twist, way more interesting when each villain is independent and has their own motivations.
Hudson Wilson
>you’re a kike, dancing ina hurricane mr bond
Let’s not throw around insults we can’t take back now.
Blake Martinez
>That time you got banned from all boards for a whole month because of a soijack shitpost? It was me, user. The author of all of your seething.
Cameron King
The difference is, atleast with Brosnan, there wasn't a pretense of art. Mendes? You bet.
Noah Brooks
>remember when you choked on your chicken James? it was me James! i was the chicken bone!!
Jack Bell
They all do.
>Connery - Never Say Never Again (unofficial but if you don't wanna count it Diamonds are forever was kinda goofy)
>Moore - A View to a Kill
>Brosnan - Die Another Day
Only ones that don't didn't have enough movies, and even then in license to kill Dalton pops a wheely in a semi (im not referring to when he's driving with only the wheels on one side of the truck on the ground, im referring to when he drives through the fire)
Christopher Rivera
Connery and especially Moore were not supposed to be realistic to begin with.
Isaac Howard
>Connery and especially Moore were not supposed to be realistic to begin with.
Yeah and I honestly don't mind it. I actually like Die Another Day.
Dark gritty is only bearable for so long
Jordan Jackson
Neither do I although I liked the James Bourne direction Craig movies took
Ayden Wright
I liked Skyfall and first half of casino royale. Then they went to play poker and it got dumb
Leo Rivera
>I liked Skyfall
Skyfall is irredeemable shit and I don't know why people like it.
Elijah Nguyen
>classical music plays in the background
Nathan Thomas
>villain randomly kills henchman to prove how evil and ruthless he is
Aiden Kelly
So are they ever going to reveal who Smee was? Seems like a pretty big plot thread left to be unraveled with only one movie left.
Charles Smith
I enjoyed it because it was closer to a Bond movie than Craig's previous two entries (Q is back, Bond is globe trotting on an actual mission rather than "VESPER NOOOOOO") and I thought silva was a good villain. Not perfect but I'll take it over CR and Quantum
Anthony White
>Skyfall is irredeemable shit and I don't know why people like it.
It has good style and most of its problems are in its incredibly stupid writing, which only registers if you bother to think seriously about a James Bond movie.
Owen Rivera
>good style
>if you think seriously
That's the problem, the style implies it's a serious movie
>closer to a Bond movie
It's an utter subversion with M being a the Bond girl instead of deliverer of exposition. And the plot is just awful.
Grayson Baker
>It's an utter subversion with M being a the Bond girl instead of deliverer of exposition. And the plot is just awful.
As I said its not perfect. But I'll take Bond failing to save M over
>Bond gets tortured and fails to escape from dude who couldn't even defend his gf from African war lord
>Bond fails to kill said dude
>Bond falls for girl and gets back stabbed and then fails to save her
>Bond spends whole sequel being mopie and torn up from the last movie.
That said the scene where nu Q makes fun of gadgets irritates me
William Scott
It's not just bad
It's currently the worst bond movie
There is a 10 min scene in it where the bad guy laughs and explains how he going to drill bonds face with a drill, then bond just escapes because the plot requires that to happen
Carson Thompson
>being mopie
He's not mopey. Everyone insists he is mopey but he gets the job done. I don't like CR either but QoS is a great Bond movie. WIth him doing actual recon for once.
Austin Sanders
>It's currently the worst bond movie
I find it hard to believe that its worse than A view to a kill. I saw a view to a kill when I was like 6. It was a pos and the stench stuck with me till I watched it the other night and was reminded of why I hated many moons ago too.
Jacob Morales
>villain cares about his henchmen more than the hero cares about there sidekicks
Austin Miller
He was telling Bond what his next pseudonym would be
Tyler Flores
Dumbest plot ever
Jackson Sanchez
View to a kill has a good theme tune, a basic plot and Roger Moore
Spectre has non of these things
Samuel Watson
>view to a kill has a good theme, a full retard on ambien plot and an old roger moore
I don't know user, its pretty bad