TIL that there can only be one person in the whole world with the initials “W.W.”

TIL that there can only be one person in the whole world with the initials “W.W.”

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wu wei, the famous poet




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Whuck Wneed


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Why does the whole world matter? How many people with the initials of W.W in Albuquerque?

2016 election was a mistake

>Hank begins turtling and retreats emotionally to his work as a way to disconnect
>Whole World!
>Willy Wonka!
>Walter White! Why? Whoa... wait what?!
Is this what you people really want?

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reddit is that way

Please return to Reddit, from whence you came

TIL that there is only one set of words "EE" can stand for.

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>if I keep pretending Yas Forums was left wing in 2015 I'll be right

Yas Forums has always been pretty left wing. Even now outside of Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and arguably Yas Forums,every other board is overwhelmingly liberal.

Yas Forums has always been contrarian.

Wayne's World

name some leftist traits that you can find on the average person who browses Yas Forums

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Obsession with trannies.
Obsession with race.
Enjoyment of interracial porn.

>"It's a literal holy shit moment."
Fuck you, Vince

Hi wu wei.

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ooh nice post

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239, in 2010

It was signed by a meth chemist.


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Why did he start making drugs, bros?

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because he was bored


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>wonder woman

>if you exclude the boards with 99% of the traffic on this site it fits my theory

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Actually it's because Walter had that book in his bathroom with the dedication to WW and the 'other' WW that he was able to put it together.

i mean, he found it on walt's house

walterinho white da silva

I saw it in theaters as a teen and I still think of that dumb shit every time I see 33 or EE

ah yes /trv/ with their 4 posters a year are very liberal