Was there a single person on this show who wasn’t a sex pervert or murderer?
Was there a single person on this show who wasn’t a sex pervert or murderer?
honestly no
Is there a single person in America that isn't a sex pervert or murderer?
You just posted him.
Joe did nothing wrong. Carole is a murderer and if he had her kill justice would have been served
Copyright infringement is a real crime
i can't actually disprove this
Tom Brady
Joe's workers seemed pretty chill and actually cared about the animals.
>Joe did nothing wrong
Of course he did wrong. He's the stupidest man on the show who got played, but he's done his fair share of felonies.
>sex pervert
As opposed to what other kind of pervert
>having sex with women makes you a pervert
user just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to call Based Doc a "pervert"
>but muh sex cult!
women like dominant men who take control, Doc was just giving women what they want.
His treatment of the animals was occasionally suspect, but otherwise I agree, Joe seems pretty damn innocent and this whole thing feels like a set up by Jeff Lowe and possibly Carole Baskin who may have hired him to begin with.
Doc isn't a pervert. He's just got a harem and that makes him a Chad living the dream. All of those women wilfully and knowingly chose their situation with him and it sounds like many of them have kids with him too. He has separate houses for each of them to circumvent the legality of his polygamous lifestyle in a state where that isn't allowed and to keep the relationships separate. If the allegations that he gases baby tigers is true though, then he's definitely a monster, just of a different kind.
>married a Brazilian
>kisses his children on the lips
>teammate with Aaron Hernandez
>friends with "massage parlor" patron Robert Kraft and Donald "grab 'em by the pussy" Trump
idk man
>It was a setup!
Joe is guilty of illegally selling/euthanizing tigers, and you know damn well he was all for the theoretical Carole hit. Jeff may have set the stage, but Joe had no problems paying for Carole's murder. He's that stupid. He's only playing the victim now because he got caught, and realized he was played. It's the main reason why he's forking over so much dirt on people he sold tigers too, like Doc.
The only real innocents here were Joe's employees
Joe burned the gators to hide his crimes
if you think he isn't going to be metoo'd asap you'd be very wrong
The reason harrems polygamy etc isn't normal is that everyone knows once your GF wife becomes your ex she'll usually go bat shit
He will have a trail of abuse charges as well as gassing the tigglets, fuckign smug prick/
"the chain wasn't cleaned and shirts ruined"
this pissed me off
Can someone convince me this is worth watching? I was curious at first glance, but now with Netflix advertising and stupid facebook memes cramming it down my throat I can't stand any mention of it.
It's just a full-blown white trash freakshow circus, if you're into that sort of thing then by all means watch it but it's by no means the greatest documentary series of all time.
How much time served is Joe looking at ? And is there a chance he gets out early ?
It's just a car wreck you can't look away from. You see this hillbilly with a zoo develop this persona and ego, all the while ruining lives and feuding with a psychotic millionaire.
I feel bad for the guy who wasted years trying to film a reality show about Joe, only for his retirement/invest to literally go up in smoke
He got sentenced to something around 30 years, but he's appealing and may get a pardon. If not, then he'll be there the rest of his life most likely.
Even the better people on the show were accessories to crime, so arguably no.
Howard, Caroles husband
Yeah, that's called a cult, you retard.
Why do so many insane guys like this claim to be doctors?
>having multiple wives is a cult
You're retarded
The zoo hand that worked under Joe that had a leg off and ended up living in a trailer by himself at the end of it all seemed like a chill and decent guy.
there was that one longharied guy that was a keeper of the tigers, he seemed to care only for the animals and had no interest in the politics around the zoo comunitiy and he teared up when talking about the bodies that were found on the property
Based one-armed dykefu.