Why is Aubrey Plaza so weird all the time?

Why is Aubrey Plaza so weird all the time?

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it's a gimmick

I fucked her brains out and forgot to put em back in afterwards

Kill yourself VF

I love when she got shut down by Will Ferrell


Suffers from "I'm special and unique TM" syndrome

I'm not spoonfeeding you faggot

She was great as an insane BPD zombie in Life After Beth


Unfunny try-hard cunt tried to pull a 'Kanye moment' at some awards show a few years ago. Will Ferrell refused to play along. It was pretty uncomfortable to watch.

Didn't she have an aneurism at a young age? Or a stroke or something that permanently affected her brain and behavior?

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She's half Chinese

It also fucked up her motor functions

Is that AP???

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The webm. Now.

My brother worked on Parks & Rec and said she's legitimately retarded and had a handler who spoke for Aubrey and translated her wild mood swings for people who were scared of her. It's legitimate brain damage she just plays it as being quirky and ironic.

She was so hot as Lenny in Legion

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What is it about an evil male mind inside an attractive female body that makes my dick so hard?

She is weird lmao

Incest is bad and that's why it's good

Is Aubrey in any incestkino?

No but she plays a loving single mom in Child's Play and I fapped to that

does anyone else imagine getting a mindbending, verbally derogatory palmjob from Aubrey Plaza as she is completely preoccupied with other matters

Ad Legion to that.

Not her feet

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If you mean an emotionless handjob that she gives out of obligation to shut me up and keep me under her thumb and has no interest in it and even complains about having to do it, I have that fantasy about every celeb I've ever liked

Will any capeshit tv show ever top Legion? Even second place is so far behind.

Lois and Clark is still the best

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She got cucked

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The characters Legion and Superman both have the same problem, that they have been written to be utterly invincible. Legion handled this so much better in the show, having David be so insane that he (and the viewer) have no idea if his powers are real, or imagined. Also the time eaters in Legion were kino.

because being le quirky grill is her shtick