Respected war veteran

>respected war veteran
>high school teacher
>believes that citizenship is a duty, not a right
>"Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived"
>tells Rico he needs to make a decision for himself on joining the military instead of trying to influence him
>gives Rico an extra 10 minutes to report for duty when he catches him banging Dizzy

name a more based character in movie history

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>name a more based character in movie history

I can't. This guy was hyper based.

>le join the army
Cuck movie

Nigga its Ironside.. as in THE MIchael Ironside.. playing the baddest mother fucker from the Roughnecks.

If he and Tembo ever decided to take on the world.. who stops them?

He was all right, I'd give him a hand

Should I watch this? Is it better than the book?

faggot detected

it's different, much more of an action flick
but it's enjoyable

>*blocks your path with his car*

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Thats it Carlos.. 10 lashes.

he was based

Absolutely. Campy in the best way. Ignore all the dumbass Yas Forums shit n jus watch it as a 90s sci-fi action flick, like the other user said

>Yas Forums shit

It’s literally anti-Yas Forums chief, the movie is satire.

But the action and worldbuilding are great

The movie is a satire of the book. I think they both have their merits.

Didn't he also give Rico a slap to the face when he turned down Dizzy in an active warzone where you could die at any moment and told RIco to take advantage of that shit before she went to another dick

here we fucking go again

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Didn't slap him, he just told him never to pass on a good thing, or something like that. But other than that yeah pretty much. Though they were partying in the field at the time, which was a little odd.


You know I’m right, toilet poo and pee-er

>post literally says ignore Yas Forums shit
>here come idiots to bring up the satire of Yas Forums shit

Rustles the jimmies

The military is a cuck machine invented by women to allow them to cheat

>military in book is about infantry in power armor mech suit
>military in the movie is about as well equipped and tactically astute as Imperial Guard conscripts in 40K
why tho

>thinks the message of this movie is "join the army"

Use your brain for 2 seconds, do you think a film about power armored soldiers would be easier and cheaper to make than if they were just standard infantry?

>when I think 'guerilla', I think 'Kalashnikov'

What did Sam Fisher mean by this?

>dumbass Yas Forums shit n jus
spotted the nigger

That’s what literal right wing retards think it is. When confronted and told that the movie is satire they will, without fail, respond “but it looks so epic tho!”

There is no Israel in the future so it's technically based.

imagine taking this message from this movie

You can’t tell me what to do!

That's what the book is about. Verhoeven wanted to ridicule it and failed.. instead made it glorious...

>active warzone

The planet was declared "cleared" at the time. That's why they were celebrating.