What are some good war movies?
What are some good war movies?
Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, Paths of Glory, the list goes on.
The Thin Red Line
you should wear gloves while working soil
jarhead, american sniper, fury, or for an old classic, enemy at the gates
OP asked for war movies, not nature documentaries.
Starship troopers because it’s hilarious imagining the pozzed 60 IQ army cucks that watch it and think “woah... only I have earned my right to be a citizen” and then leech off of gubmint bucks
All war movies are good war movies
First Blood is i think especially relevant to that comic.
nigga eaten elephants and turtles.
>Animals have souls!
What is possibly better about this?
Now suggest poetry readings that compliment the movie, soi lover.
how dare you
He's still in the last frame you idiot
>you should wear gloves while working soil
literally what the fuck
>wanting to ruin your nails
Found the soiboy
Souls don't exist. It's a made up concept.
>wanting to ruin your nails
the cartoon guy is pictured without them on purpose to make the man seem spartan but it's bad advice
soil has parasites that can burrow through your skin, it's not about your nails. same reason you should not drink untreated water out of a hose
A lot of things hurt and kill elephants, for example cocoa production causes mass deformation of elephant habitats.
if you die from drinking from a fucking hose then you were a genetic dead end any way
Platoon. Everything else is gay or propaganda
First Blood Part II is better
enjoy your brain parasites. why do you think bottled water is a thing?
Animals do have souls, but ontologically different souls
I usually drink bottled water when I'm visiting a 3rd world country. I guess it sucks living wherever you're at.