What's the last kino I should watch before ending it all?
I'm fucking tired of this bullshit life.
I'm gonna kill myself tonight
>inb4 some normalfags try and talk you out of it
Pink flamingos
Not really a movie but Blue Planet II
I was honestly thinking about doing the same thing.
Escape From the Planet of the Apes. Digits confirm
Goodbye user hope you die painlessly
Local Hero (1983)
good luck user see you soon; shitposting in heaven with my waifus
Get a bottle of something and watch Leaving Las Vegas
passion of the christ
How are you doing it op? How did you encouraged yourself?
Night of the Comet. You can't die without watching this masterpiece.
Meet the Spartans
The Beaver
fear and loathing in las vegas
What dreams may come
Dancing in the dark
Student Suicide. If you’re going to do it, you should at least realize how you will destroy every person who loves you.
>Killing yourself before the riots across the world start
Stick it out a while and enjoy the fireworks man, shits gonna get crazy over the next 2-3 months
Put aside 10 hours before suicide, its fucking worth it
>implying OP or anyone here has anyone that loves them to begin with
Danny Roane: First Time Director
The Simpsons season 11 episode 5 (that's the Sneed episode)
dilbert 3
go outside an look at the sky, retard
do a flip faggot
Problem Child 2
You will see it all then tonight. The beginning, and the end. Godspeed you lost sailor.
If you are seriously stuggling with suicidal thoughts, I recommend Nights of Cabiria. That ending scene will lift you up.
Where the Dead Go to Die
Watch this then don't do it.
watch city of god