/tpb/ - Trailer Park Boys general thread

/tpb/ - Trailer Park Boys general thread
Let's discuss the most hilarious TV show I've seen in a while.

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show lost the plot after season 2, rest is distilled reddit

I never watched any more than like 2 episodes past season 7, how bad is it?

Well I'll agree in as much as Bubbles became PURE Reddit after season 2. I think the show overall was awesome through season 5, with 6 and 7 being decent. The original black and white pilot is based. The 06 movie is okay for one watch or so. Everything else TPB related is beyond Reddit, beyond cancer, agonizingly bad.

There is no plot retard. smoke a fuckin joint and drink some beer and relax bro

stupid fucking hothead
nah, the rush concert was the death rattle of the show

>was this Julian's lowest point?

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Hello? Yeah hi it’s the based department we were wondering if you were available for an interview?

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OP you'll never get this show memed on here.

OP here. did not post that

Last 10-15 minutes of second movie was kino, rest of the movie sucks tho

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>car flips over
>Julian comes out with his drink

Makes me kek every time lads

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who u callin hothead mafk? kn'mean? we could take this mafk outside right nizzle if u got some more shit to talk biatch

fucking lmao. mans drink is based as fuck.

>When Mr. Lahey and Randy are having sex dressed as a bee and a flower

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i thought one of them was dressed like indianapolis jones

>any scene with lahey and randy wasted as fuck doing some weird shit and then try to cover it up as if they were practicing for a play

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>tfw ywn watch trailer park boys for the first time again at 4 am in the morning when you spent the day crying and drinking because you got your heart broken recently

im sure someone else will break your heart retard


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Ok so i just need to get brain damage to forget that I've watched it before.
Thanks user


im sure youll figure it out, retard

not OP and TPB is kino
frig off

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RIP Jim Lahey, you drunk bastard.
May the shit winds forever fill your sails.

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That looks like an album cover


>Ray, ripping the plumbing out of your walls for liquor money IS fucked

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it's not that fucked. who needs running water when you're wasted?

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