Animal kingdom films welcomed
Films about life grabbing you by the face and ripping it off?
*record scratch*
Yeah, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.
why did the zebra cross the stream?
>tfw it was still breathing at the end
to get to the other sneed
cartel/muslim vids are better than this. graduate from jewtube.
yeah, they do that
nature is fucking brutal, just imagine all the unseen unspeakable gore going on every second of every day
Why is it just sitting THERE?!?!?!?!?!
Can't walk. Look at the wound on its leg as they are ripping its face off.
>imagining how fucked I'll be if I reincarnate as some animal
I'd rather cease to exist
i can't watch this. why are you guys so fucked up? are you dead inside?
lmao @ ur life tbqh famalam desu
With sound:
man imagine the power involved here
the zebra is presumably fighting back in some capacity, croc just applies so much force it's like unscrewing the lid from a bottle. the nose/lower skull area is just torn off with no violent thrashing, just one smooth movement and a good few centimetres of solid living bone is clean off.
crocs are absolutely based
You just wish the croc got a bigger grip so it might have torqued the zebra’s spine
most men have that same level of power, watch any of those domestic fights between a male and his female. you can hold them by the skull and they cant move.
Why? Thats a copout. It needs to know its dying.
unironically love these displays of raw strength
I'm so glad I'm human for the sheer fact we can sort this shit out. Nature needs to literally be raped into submission.
fuck reptiles
> gets its face fucking ripped off
> Still drowns to death
>he simps for zebras
>mild violence sends him into an outraged tizzy
>he'll insist he's not outraged
Just brutal
damn dat nigga got roasted
>200 other zebra just stroll past
Crocs, ants, spiders, bears, anything that doesn't benefit mankind and cannot be domesticated should be killed.
>"nature is beautiful just go outside"
crocs are pretty based
those 3 probably won't eat again for a week at least and potentially not for nearly a year if unlucky
Why didn't the other zebras help?
If you were getting attacked by a crocodile I wouldn't help you
>Another basic idea came from a documentary von Trier saw about the original forests of Europe. In the documentary the forests were portrayed as a place of great pain and suffering as the different species tried to kill and eat each other. Von Trier was fascinated by the contrast between this and the view of nature as a romantic and peaceful place. Von Trier said: "At the same time that we hang it on our walls over the fireplace or whatever, it represents pure Hell."
Regarding the film Anti-Christ. Always found that a poignant point lost on most of us today with our lack of experience of the forest/nature. Even if they watch some attenborough documentary it's a more sanitary sense of the reality.
I heard in the context of "Why don't nigs domesticate zebras" zebras are selfish animals with no sense of group solidarity. You can domesticate a horse because you bitch-break the chad horse and they go "Oh shit human is now chad". Zebra goes "lol g'luck being the human's bitch, faggot" and leave him to die.
I hate this adaptation of Animorphs
Herbicucks blown the fuck out
They lost body parts all the time
>go to africa
>get a chance to witness something like this happening up close. A lesson in the beauty/brutality of nature and how life in general is unflinching and indifferent to suffering. A powerful teaching moment you'll remember for the rest of your life.
>100 zebras walking across in deep spot
>huge crocs just chill feet away and split one
Is it that hard to catch a zebra? Why didn't they all get one for themselves?
I used to think reincarnation would be cool and all of that faggoty spiritualist hippie mumbo jumbo and then as I got older I realized that it would actually be fucking awful to have to live as a bug or animal or like a woman in somalia or something. If there's not heaven please, PLEASE let the fucking fedorafags be right
women bro
>the constant screeching from the onlookers
Why do Americans get triggered into such an absolute sissyfit by a normal display of nature and its violent element?
And watch how the posts dip down to zero.
Shut the fuck of Jared Diamond.
Zebra's can be broken in much easier than horses, and they're more agreeable too.
She sounded fat so hopefully she'll be dead from COVID-19 in a few months. Maybe someone can stare at her while she drowns from her own liquids and shout " NOOOOO NOT THE HECKIN WOMANORINOOOOO!!! WHY DOESN'T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING? I WANT TO GO HOME."
That is absolutely massive cope and lies from Jared Diamond the kike as to why niggers have never accomplished anything. We domesticated the common modern cow enormous, ornery bastards called Aurochs, look them up.
Shut up Karen
Nah. Fuck off
mate think about how much edible flesh there is on a 800lbs zebra
each buttcheek would feed a croc for a week. not to mention a croc will eat every organ in the animal, all the skin, the intestines, half the bones. there's no reason for them to go ham and kill everything.
Zebras are so easy to tame in fact that you don't even need selective breeding like you did with the horse. Niggers are just that fucking useless.
amazing to think this bitch booked a once in a lifetime safari holiday and didn't look up what wild animals do
sure she googled the average temperature though
crocs are opportunistic predators and generally retarded; there's this video that often gets posted here showing a croc in a zoo ripping off his mate's leg in a death roll while they were getting fed.
nature was a mistake