
>Yeah, what?
>Where's the body of Christ?

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Happy Easter OP.

Yeah that nigger resurrected

God can you christfags fuck off

*dips bedora* :DDDDD

I really can't imagine being such a seething atheist nigger that a goofy thread like this pisses you off.


Jesus loves you :)

Careful with that edge

I dropped on my way to the arena sorry bro

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It's Easter you edgy faggot

haha I saw that post on Twitter too :)

Serious question for atheists, if Jesus wasn't divine where is his skeleton? Surely a man would have left mortal remains?


based christchad dabbing on the incels

probably because he never existed in the first place


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You may contest his divinity, but his existence is a matter of historical record.

>but his existence is a matter of historical record.
not really. the evidence for it isn't that great, but there's a low bar for evidence when it comes to the existence of historical figures so it makes more sense to assume he did

>he loves you
>but he'll send you a dimension of pure torture if you deviate from his teachings a little bit

simbly ebic :-))))))

it's a strict paternal love

Jesus Christ existed, whats up for debate is if he was Divine

I thought we chased you hat tippers away years ago.

That ain't what happens doofus, lay off the regurgitated atheist soundbytes

>tfw too old for this fag & fag but old enough for kino and kel

Happy Easter lads

you have done that yourself

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>people actually got trolled by this
Yep, I'm thinking Christians are retarded *sips tea*

>watch the passion of the christ on popcorn time
>google it after
>mfw he actually existed and rose from the dead

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Why do people readily admit that grave robbers routinely ransacked Egyptian tombs, but somehow can't grasp the concept of grave robber ransacking Jesus's tomb?

i always tell people they just wanted jesus's golden sarcophagus and piles of jewels but no one gets it



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>robbing the tomb of a penniless carpenter buried under a pile of rocks

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Well they didn’t know that until they opened it

Yas Forums is a christian board

More like
>robbing the tomb of a guy that people worshipped as a god who created miracles
If I were a graverobber, I would definitely hit that grave