Episode 5 - Genre
Get the fuck in here.
Episode 5 - Genre
Get the fuck in here.
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>still watching this garbage after season 1
Fordbros, when is he coming back? :(
Let's see what depths we can plummet to this episode.
I still enjoy the show
can't wait for more kino music from /ourguy/ Ramin
Looks like it's going to have a lot of action, judging by the preview. Too bad every single fight scene this season has been awful.
hopefully nothing like episode 2 from here on out
Here we go boys
I thought this guy was a meme, but holy shit
Live stream anyone?
Not in burgerland.
>It's a frogman episode
I do not enjoy the show anymore but am watching to participate in the social aspect
>when the thread that you start just a few hours before the show completely dies within a few posts
This show is circling the drain. Let's see how low the viewership numbers dip this week...
Anyone on HBO Now? Somehow mine is playing the French version.
fucking loser
It's not the french version you twit, the frenchman is speaking in his native language because why the fuck would he inner monologue in english?
new john williams
retard pay attention to the show
haha fuck u brazil
Another rich prick taking the moral high ground. do this writers have any self awareness?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo etc
>im not sinking another dollar into this giant stinking meatball
>giant steel ballsack
I don't know if I'm thankful to not have an episode focused on the terminator women or bored that I have to watch an episode about this dude I also don't care about
I guess he doesn't irritate me, so that's good
Is the episode focused on Serac?
well it was, now we are back to Delores and Jessie
Just commit to the black and white
what the fuck
i forgot this was even airing
I think he's tripping a bit from whatever he got injected with
This thread dead af lmaooooo
nah he's fine
This shows dead. Probably getting renewed for one more season and then done lmao
The music is the only good thing about this show rn
it was planned for 4 seasons from the get go
>still watching this garbage after season 1
I skipped Season 2 completely and find 3 pretty comfy. I like sci-fi and that the old west shit is over with.
lol holy shit this is so bad
>he's switching genres
Please tell me there is going to be a cartoon sequence
>I like sci-fi and that the old west shit is over with.
a true kinossuer huh
but its really good
They said they were planning five.
I started watching Westworld a couple weeks ago and how the fuck did it jump the shark so badly? Second season was just shit, especially once they get to the samurai parts
Depending on your time zone you can watch it on the streams before it airs on hbo.
This is a really boring chase scene
>The grenade has a drone component to compensate for missing the target
What the fuck???
Wtf is this
it's cuck garbage
Kinda sad for the bike
I don't hate this, it's probably the best this season has been other than Jesse's backstory
Good sci-fi a rare commodity. Gotta get the fix somehow. Watched Avenue5 and think I'm scarred for life.
all yall losing it cuz the show is turning out to be kino
Okay, this is epic
I feel like it should be bad but its ctually kind of kino
Lmao death grips AGAIN
Idk, the 5 hosts Dolores snuck out just being her twist was kind of shit and killed my interest
I make my gf watch this show on her ipad because I don't want this shit tainting my TV
I want to watch it right now it's not fair bros
>Anyone on HBO Now?
>Somehow mine is playing the French version.
Just downloaded the XLF release from IPT. Hope its not in French.... Wish me luck, bros
>tfw the algorithm decided you should be an incel
They used that same track in episode 2, too.
>getting this triggered by a TV show
That's a cuck right here if I've ever seen one
I dunno you're the one still watching this
why are there other characters in this show other than Jesse
>all those stats and an AI in control of it
Shit's terrifying.