>mfw discovering bands in random warehouses in brooklyn
Mfw discovering bands in random warehouses in brooklyn
sippin cheap lambrusco wine in the janiquales hills up in so and so
love that memory
This guy wears his life experiences like a girl
It's not enough that he had good memories, he has to sell them to other people..
they worked in marketing and thats the point of the video, but yes they're all gay as hell
no, I know the video. A lot of people gave pretty mundane answers but he stands out because he specifically is the type of person that really really really cares that people think he's deep and cultured.
He cares a lot more that people know he's cultured than actually being cultured.
tiny unwashed pecker buried in pubic hair
>yeah look at that Stacey
>his name is Dave, he's a creative from New York
>He creates for a living. How preposterous is that?
>haha woww yikes
I think it's more that he's cultivated this safe, padded image of himself as a family-loving man who just loves wine and sunsets when he probably jacks off to child porn in his room with the blinds closed.
wtf I love Dave now?
What would you guys have said? You have to participate to keep your job.
Dave is the older guy with the glasses who loves BBC
Um... hello based department?
what we really need is a guy to post endlessly about sam hyde and his sex life
ARGGHHH why did you mention his name
that's how the mutt finds these threads, he has a notification set up
Remember when Sam Hyde was actually funny?
his insta story made me laugh yesterday so yeah I remember
are you the guy in every same thread that calls everyone discord trannies and says there's a conspiracy to ruin his name?
concession accepted
there's a lot of people on Yas Forums who don't like sam anymore. No one is organizing thread raids.
Can somebody remind me what the term for pre-emptively denying an anticipated criticism to discourage anybody from raising it is? I thought it was "frontlash" but evidently not.
kek nice one
are all him, he showed up instantly at the mention of his name
I wonder if he'll bother doing the routine now that he got inb4d
Remember when Sam fucked a camgirl?
why the FUCK can't sam make content like this anymore?
there hasn't been a new good band in New York since the fucking Strokes
I was going to say Interpol but they came out at about the same time
>all you have to do to ruin a thread is type "Sam Hyde My Little Pony"
Not sure if based or cringe