what are some wholesome family movies?
What are some wholesome family movies?
homochads on the right mog the bottom
Based Tucker.
Can't cuck the tuck
Hits pipe
Kys literal faggot.
>even the token black guy is a fag
>Having a daughter
>>>>>Having 3 daughters
You know, when i think about it using rationality and logic, it seems to me that it may be a bit cucked.
>Kys literal faggot
>He doesn't deny it
Is it true then? Do you like cocks shoved down your ass? Do you like to be treated like a little sissy bitch while getting your insides ravaged by strong and powerful men?
I do
>Do you like to be treated like a little sissy bitch while getting your insides ravaged by strong and powerful men
Holy based
I hope you get raped by a pack of hood thugs
why do liberals support mental illness?
What rights?
>3 daughters
*hits pipe*
Why should gay people be trusted to inform or do good if they don't have a stake in the planet's future?
>Do you agree with your dad when he says immigrants make the country dirtier?
must be awkward
There is more than a 50% chance half of Carlson's kids end up as progressives/communist and that at least one becomes a trannie.
He is gonna send them to college and the marxist are gonna turn them against him.
They know that if we started dealing with it, they'd all be in mental asylums.
you need to spend less time on Yas Forums
Or just don't send them to college, its completely unnecesary to get a job.
4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 1
gays are trans now?
damn lot of seething leftists itt. why do they hate white children so much?
I would marry Tuccs daughter
It's easier to scapegoat than acknowledge that agp is an affliction that only affects straight men
Who is this image for? If Yas Forums is trying to convince the CNN/MSNBC viewer, then they've already lost.
Republicucks are fine with supporting with a mentally ill president that let's them die in a pandemic, go figure
He should sen them to marry me instead
Stop living vicariously through propaganda vendors.
not only was someone dumb enough to make this image, but at least one other person was dumb enough to save it
please, for the love of being a human punchline, never ever stop being you
Go be gay somewhere else, like the bottom of a ditch
Based balance.
Sodomites aren't human, think about it logically.
ahaha yes, more buzzwords please
one is enough to describe you
just think about it, logically
sorry to point out how much people laugh at you. but then, you already knew it to some degree, didnt you
Holy shit do i hate fag people
I'm honestly mirin Cooper and his husband's dual power stances. They look like they're about to fuck your shit up, then fuck each other's shit up.
stop trying so hard
>nooo you cant just prefer normal people
you must be really bored (and boring)
embarrassing post