Post alien shit. alien movies, alien documentary, alien footage, anything alien

post alien shit. alien movies, alien documentary, alien footage, anything alien

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ayy lmao

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It's good.

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Careful with this one

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Fire in the Sky
The Fourth Kind

what is that thing?

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I'm in a similar mindset right now. I want more alienkino.

How does Yas Forums like its aliens by the way? Are there any alienkinos that deal with non carbon-based life?

i prefer vanilla humanoid. i've never found anything more kino than Incident In Lake County.

that's a good book. i recommend you.

Fire in the Sky is the GOAT. I've never understood why it's so poorly rated.

>Are there any alienkinos that deal with non carbon-based life?
Only ones I can think of are the Horta episode from the original Star Trek tv show and the Crystalline lifeforms from Stargate SG1 called Unity.

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>post alien shit
requesting a picture of a alien sitting on a futuristic toilet, taking a shit.

TNG and DS9 also had some silicon-based lifeforms as well.

That TOS episode was god-tier though.

isn't alien silicone-based too?
don't know what's the difference though.

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>replies in
>no mexican jokes/racial slurs
There's hope for you yet /poltv/

This one is decent.

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You mean the xenomorphs? Nah, from what I've gathered, they're either carbon or flourine-based.

The 80s version of V.

This woman got my dick rock fucking hard throughout Altered Carbon S1.

What about mexicans? Or spics as I like to call them.

imagine being too retarded for even /x/

The McPherson Tape

dude the alien literally looks like shit.

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don't be xenophobic

an "actress"
That is a multi-micengenated hapoid creature

Don't bodyshame

low standards

>tfw found out Bob Lazar is full of shit

damn shame.

Alien podcast kino

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Reminder that the only logical reason for aliens to visit Earth is sex tourism.

Is that a photo of Obama visiting Area 51

Unless they are scientists doing an ecological survey.

I don't think he's so much full of shit as he saw some stuff he didn't fully understand, cutting edge weapons and aeronautics stuff, and drew the wrong conclusions.

I've had 6 sightings of UFOs in the past ten years, I have been salivating at the prospect of disclosure

No, he's a genuine liar. His story just trims the fat the more he tells it until it's at the most believable it can be.

He once said he saw a book that was human history, and if you flipped the book over, it was the grey's history. A double sided book.

Plus he got busted for running a brothel

best UFO

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aliens and time travel are my two favourite movie themes

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will someone post the webm?