>The best lovecraftian film is still some low budget found footage from 7 years ago.
Lovecraftian Movies
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Good. The genre works better in written form anyway.
>doesnt state the film's name
Cthulhu Mythos, maybe.
But the best Lovecraft adapted films are objectively the works of Stuart Gordon and John Carpenter.
The best Lovecraft movie is a 40 minute short on a shoestring budget that stars Mr. Krab's lab partner from Lost and is available online for free.
Lovecraft is overrated... the only good part are the creatures, but the whole AAAAAH IM GOING INSANE shit is just cringy as fuck.
The Thing is lovecraftian
such a rough gem
ITT: People who have never read Lovecraft
Anyway, here are some actually good Lovecraft movies:
confirmed by the director to be Lovecraftian
I really like Re-Animator but when I think of Lovecraft I think of cosmic horror and interdimensional beings, not about undead.
Numbers stations are inherently awesome and they deserve a legitimately good movie made about them.
any one know where I can watching The Color of Outer Space?
Post at least 40 positive reviews for this then I'll watch it.
>tfw no more lovecraftian music
Lovecraft books are usually random average motherfuckers dealing with weird shit for 90% of a thing, and being suspicious of shit during, and then 9% them being afraid, and 1% actually a monster happens.
>PG-13 Horror movie
>Kristen Stewart
Hard pass from me.
This movie had some good moments, but the ending is fucking atrocious, like really dumb and cliche.
they tacked it on after filming because they realized the movie was soulless and boring
shame it's such a steaming pile.
The cop from Monk playing a knock off Hunter Thompson killed it for me.
Just get the torrent from yify.
thread theme
Kill yourself reddit nigger
And also the massive amount of racism in his stories.
seriously would not consider this movie lovecraftian.
>when I think of Lovecraft I think of cosmic horror and interdimensional beings, not about undead
Retard. Nearly half of his stories involve the dead coming back to life in some form of way.
Banshee Chapter was absolute shit, and when the Hunter S. Thompson wannabe starts talking about Lovecraft in the movie itself, I lost it.
Pic related will forever be the best Lovecraftian/cosmic horror film ever made. Most plebs here haven't seen.
>stuart gordon
>dude i'm gonna adapt from beyond but stretch it into a feature length schlock horror with tits everywhere
>literally nothing whatsoever like the story
John Carpenter never adapted HPL and In the Mouth of Madness is, at best, a celebration than actual serious effort. Prince of Darkness isn't cosmic.
Nah, it's body horror, it doesn't contain an element of despair at human ignorance or musings on the limitation of the human being. That's essential to cosmic horror, not spooky space monsters.
none one likes found footage but retards. it's a proven scientific fact. if you weren't retarded, you'd have realized the only good Lovecraft adaptation is Dagon.
post your sisters cunt
>the only good part are the creatures
Fuck off.
It's been quite some time since I've seen a movie with that big of a budget and that many tools in its toolkit be so goddamn boring and soulless. Zero tension among the characters. Zero characterization at all. Completely waste of production design, setting, and creature.
>Banshee Chapter was absolute shit, and when the Hunter S. Thompson wannabe starts talking about Lovecraft in the movie itself, I lost it.
Absolute pleb take.
>Pic related will forever be the best Lovecraftian/cosmic horror film ever made
Nigger man sends his regards.
>call of cthulhu
Actually decent little adaptation
>whisperer and die farbe
Fucking jokes, both of them. Whisperer veers so far away from the source material it's silly and Die Farbe creates a pointless framing device, presents bad performances and really shit, needless CGI.
Director is wrong, it's a fun movie, but not Lovecraftian.
>he likes banshee chapter
it's literally an adaptation of lovecraft's short story "herbert west - reanimator"
>calls Underwater "fun" but calls someone a pleb for liking Banshee Chapter
They're both shit, you faggot.
Is mothman any good?
It's pretty spooky, give it a try.
scariest part is when gere is about to go into the police station and you see his wife walk past the screen
It's a snoozefest.
>It's pretty spooky
90s born queer detected
Why's this? Not even video games can adapt successfully his work.
first death scene was kino.
Have you ever read the story? The movie is nothing like it.
Underwater at least had a cute dyke in her underwear and some decent creatures. It's like Deep Rising in that regard, it's a monster movie.
It's a really atmospheric movie, great feeling of something being off about anything, great little details and moments of actual cosmic horror. It doesn't throw monsters at you but lets weirdness impinge upon the mundane world in overtly unnatural ways. There's one section that's just right out of Lovecraft almost, starring a character who's glimpsed a hint of the truth. It really deserves a watch.
A Lovecraft movie done like Hardcore Henry first person would be the only way it could be done well. Lots of self narration aswell.
Manderlay captured it better
Ive never read anything from lovecraft because books are for gaylords obviously. what does a movie need to make it “lovecraftian”?