Battle royale with all these movie villains

>battle royale with all these movie villains
>who wins

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>Team ups allowed to some degree

Pennywise > Pinhead > the rest

isn't the Jeepers Creepers bro immortal?

Pennywise's power is rooted in fear. If you're not afraid of him, he's less effective. I think Pinhead is more powerful.

>Pennywise's power is rooted in fear
Not really, no. He just likes how scared children taste.

Same can be applied to Freddy. Dude sucks in the real world

Pennywise was beaten by a bunch of kids who stopped fearing him. He would be shit against the others

They were being protected by Maturin and Gan.

Well only if he can find a replacement for his body part. Jason and chucky are also immortal

The thing would kill them all

Creeper would just fly away bro

>they all start in the same warehouse
>immediately start fighting one another
>down to just Pennywise and Pinhead
>pinhead wins, but just barely
>on his way out, trips over a tape recorder with “play me” written on it
Jigsaw wins every single time, and yet again he never killed anyone.

Well Jigsaw never killed anyone so he wouldn't be involved

The predator has plasma weapons

Would a face hugger be able to get onto pinhead?

pinhead would probably let it attach

The thing isn't on the list dipshit

How did my niggy jiggy get involved in this mess?
By all accounts he's a moral man.

I think Candyman is being undersold here. Yeah I dont think there is very much anyone in the group can do to Pinhead, but Candyman isn't just some nigger with a hook hand that can just be stabbed.

how many iterations of this meme could we make?

Some of these are just normal humans.

Pinhead> The Creeper>everyone else
Pennywise lost to mere human kids

As someone that doesn't understand the whole "Candy Man," What the fuck is his power again other than showing up out of nowhere?

Fact: Pinhead has lost more times than IT.

I've said this in a previous thread, Candyman is essentially an unkillable ghost. The only way you can harm him is through some bullshit mirror breaking. So seeing as there's no ghost busters on the team he will probably win.

And The Thing lost to Kurt Russel. Doesn't mean I'm not putting my money on it.

Predator no contest

He's a ghost that can interact with the physical world, meaning he can kill you, but you can't kill him. He's tied to a mirror that you need to destroy (he usually comes back regardless, but it kills him temporarily).

Pinhead or It.
Not even really a debate.

None of them are as scary as a disenfranchised white male with a gun.

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What is pinhead? Never seen his movies

>Pennywise & pinhead will be fighting on a different plane
>leather face, Micheal myers, ghostface and Jason are mask bros teaming up
>leprechaun and chucky are midget bros
>Jigsaw would be the first killed, body used by Alien to make facehugger
>Predator would hunt jeepers creepers for ultimate hunt
>Jeepers creepers would hunt predator for ultimate body replacement
>Sleepaway camp and Santa claus literal who team up
>Candy man keeps nigging

Galaxy Brain move: turn on a TV, with a cursed tape on it, while they are all present in the same room.
Once they hear the "seven days" thing, it's all over.

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When this thread ends, start a new one user

There's scarier things out there, trust me

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Pleasure and pain demon/angel entity. You open the box, he takes to "hell" to experience all manner of pain and pleasure.

Yea, pedo authors