What is that makes the old Star Trek so comfy? But the new show so BAD?

What is that makes the old Star Trek so comfy? But the new show so BAD?

I love TNG. Then more recently I saw my first episode of TOS. It was Squire of Gothos and I absolutely loved it.

But Picard is so boring and forgettable. Why is this? Was it Gene Roddenberry?

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New trek is aimless with neither vision or passion and you can feel the cold from that

Picard was one long story line, the original shows had hour-long closed stories where the crew had to solve a problem, with the occasional two-parter and/or larger story episodes.

Roddenberry had good premises, which they kept to even after he died but he was also a bit of a creative roadblock that did hinder the older episodes of TNG.

Picard and Discovery is doing the LOST thing, where they make shit up as they go, instead of actually writing the out.It's aimless shit that ends up being like every other "darker space scifi" out there.

They tout the "diversity" line and forgot they had to make a good story too.
I'm not a pissbaby about "diversity" being a thing in fucking star trek, because it's star trek. But christ, get actual writers because that's the thing that holds shit together and pulls viewers.

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Old Trek had characters go on minutes long soliloquies which were pretty beautiful. Modern trek is made for zoomers and has every character go "fuck shit I can't EVEN Drumpf right now."

TOS is pulp while TNG tried to be more (after season 2).

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I'll admit that Season 1 of Star Trek had issues. But all first seasons of every show have issues till they find their footing. But Conspiracy is one of the best episodes ever

TOS did android-based stories better than Picard, and the women were prettier too

I've never liked Star Trey. They look like they're lounging around a sci fi living room in their pajamas. Their uniforms are stupid.

So what should they be wearing?

I think something about the serialized nature of the new shit is making them feel less "comfy", so to speak. TNG definitely had interconnected episodes, but the over-arching plots can be a little intrusive, sometimes. You can't quite have the same fun character moments this way, either. It helps Picard a little that Jean-Luc is a pre-established character with seasons worth of character development (not that they honor it particularly well) but most of the characters don't have this, and it's a little less fun as a result.

They look cool as long as the person who wears them is in shape

Best uniform coming through

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I think a collar really help the TNG uniform personally.

Dunno what you're on about OP. All trek shows are comfy to me, including the new ones. I just like them all.

S3 and on TNG era used to be my favorite but I'm really digging DS9 uniforms at the moment.

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doesnt check out, early tng was great

Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.

because in TNG you don't have to look at a nigger on your tv screen.

and you're relentlessly dumb

Kill yourself faggot scum

>two niggers in the background

This, and not making them as stretchy as, I dunno, a ski suit.

star trek is wrong about the future.
there won't be any niggers or women.

Calmer atmosphere. In the older Treks there was rarely some world ending catastrophe that everyone was focused on. Each episode was a self contained story, and most of the content of the episode was focused on the interactions between crew members and how they solved the problem of the week. Seriously, old Trek is like 90% just people talking in Spaaaace. New Trek is mostly pew pew laser fights, running plotlines that span multiple episodes, and everything is always of fatal importance. The characters and their personal drama/growth take a back seat to the "plot."

Old Trek also went out of it's way to be family friendly, for the most part, and dealt with themes that usually weren't too dark (other than DS9, which is notable for being the darkest old trek show).

On top of all that, Old Trek was filmed and written by people who actually enjoyed Trek and were passionate about what they were doing. New Trek is created by people who are literally only interested in money and have no personal stake in the franchise.

Tl;dr, Soul vs Soulless

Leftist garbage ideas being hamfisted awkwardly into plot-lines and diversity hire writers who shouldn't be writing anything let alone Trek.

it literally boils down to a vision. Old Trek was made by people who wanted to explore ideas through sci fi, they wanted to tell stories. New Trek is made to cash in on an IP in order to fuel subscriptions to streamins services. No one making these shows want to tell stories or explore any ideas. Picard is the biggest example of this. It's a bunch of ideas that are just thrown together as a basic frame work for a show to exist around. Plot points are picked up and dropped at a whim . Character choices make little sense because they are literlayy not written beyond a bullet point on a white board.

This can be applied to a lot of returning franchises these days. The people behind the new stuff literally have no interest in making anything. Plot exists becasue it has to not because they want it to

The biggest is obviously the episodic format. Each episode of Old Trek has its own little story. Right off the bat, for a show that's all about exploring the galaxy, you just can't beat this format. Let the viewers experience something new each episode and don't let them feel left out if they missed or forgot a few details.

Not having some apocalyptic threat loom over the crews heads all the time allows them to have a little fun. Say what you will about the holodeck safety protocols, it's a nice excuse to get your emotionless android to play in a western.

Oldfags who defend NuTrek (for some reason) will say the 90s shows got "stale" and "cliched", but already, only three seasons in, NuTrek has fallen back on its own cliches, the #1 being that the entire universe always has to be put in danger.

Honestly though, they are right. DS9 and VOY were extremely formulaic and played out by the end. They tried to do something different with ENT, but that ended up backfiring. The real problem is that Trek needed to take a break for awhile. The formula is fine, but 3 separate series in a row all following the same formula and airing at roughly the same time just built up a ton of series fatigue.

NuTrek is terrible for many reasons and I won't defend it, but oldtrek fags aren't incorrect in their statements either.

Running more than one show in a setting at a time is just a good way to wear people out.

was he a Q?

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