Any good chinese films?
Any good chinese films?
Farewell My Concubine (1993)
Zhang Yimou's movies are good
It's funny because she's Korean.
Also, 'Kung Fu Hustle' or 'Legend of the Drunken Master'
why the long face
To Kill a Watermelon
Farewell my Concubine
Postmen in the Mountains
Black Snow
Yi Yi
Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles
I would lick her dry not gonna lie.
Yellow Earth (1984)
I recently watched the Taiwanese film "A Sun" and it was pretty interesting.
is Red Cliff good?
A better tomorrow
House of Traps
Fucking Ugly
The films of Zhang Yimou, Jia Zhangke, Hu Bo, Bi Gan, Wang Bing, and Xu Xin
Do movies from Hong Kong still count as chinese?
any amateur porn with a fat balding 50 year old sexpat fucking prime chinese 18 year old pussy. shows how emasculated chinese "men" are when these girls choose western rejects
looked great on the left if I'm being honest
>hollywood asian
pick two
i think she looked better on the left
same here
rice paddy farmers left
kpop cumslots right
in the mood for love is kino
>The USA helps a S.Korean edge lord film maker.
>People on Yas Forums shitpost "hur dur what r gud chinkoid films?"
Die die die. My god just DIE!
Left is much better looking
Drunken Master (original and remake)
IP Man
Kunf Fu Hustle
Shaolin Soccer
Chungking Express
why are asian women so fucking beautiful? White women literally can't compete imo.
>Kung Fu Hustle
Based. Also one of the few foreign movies where due to its setting, themes, and the way the dub was handled, the english dub is the superior way to view it as a non-cantonese speaker.
The Last Emperor
Dude lol you ... dropped your duck thighs .. on the floor? is that what i'm looking at here?
Ive heard that the English dub kind of sanitized the classism/homo jokes.
A Better Tomorrow 1 & 2
City on Fire
Drug War
Full Contact
Tiger on the Beat
Ebola Syndrome
Red to Kill