4 and Romana 2 edition
4 and Romana 2 edition
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Good choice.
I hate Chibnall and his last two seasons, I can't put it into words just how bad I find things and the pain that it causes me to see a show I used to love so turn utterly awful.
The only good thing about Chinball's run is that it makes it me appreciate Moffat's run a whole lot more.
review and rate the last Doctor Who story you watched/read/listen or die
I always thought 3mana was cute as fuck but I'm really into pale blue-eyed brunettes.
Is she good?
>some fanmade 9/12 audio crossover I found on youtube
>7.5/10 prettty gud
Watched the S12 finale. It wasn't great - I didn't mind the story, but the Master/Timeless child stuff wasn't set up at all and had nothing to do with the Cybercaust
Caves of androzani. Watched for the first time. Pretty good. Little overhyped but still enjoyable, not the masterpiece I expected but still really enjoyed it. 8/10.
I watched part of the first part of the angel two parter in Series 5. It was just alright.
I listened to Lives of Captain Jack, vol. 3 episode 1.
Captain Jack took Jackie to a spaceship because she bitched about being lonely, and it is dumb as hell. I kinda liked the idea of robot acting like a disgruntled worker going postal but it was still not good.
You niggas weren't joking, holy shit what a fucking story. Love how it gets super fucking bleak but people still find a way to do good. Fascist Liz shooting Fascist Brig made me legit gasp and the pure-bleak ending where the Earth gets engulfed in flames is so fucking KINO FUCK.
It's a shame the last episode really kills it and rushes through an unsatisfying solution.
Fucking hell that scene where Benton turns into a wolf? Can't imagine how it must have been like for kids in the 70s
I've also listened to this story. It's got no right being as good as it is
In Tennant's final episode it was hypothesised that the woman was the Doctor's mother.
If the Doctor is the timeless child, then she can't have a other. So who was she?
Project Twilight: Pretty cool, and surprisingly dark in a way only the wilderness years content could be. You got vampires in the East end of London, people exploding into showers of blood and viscera, gangsters breaking people's fingers, some kind of parallel UNIT who are evil or something, humans being kept as cattle in vampire blood farms.
I refuse to validate chibnall and his abortion of a show so it's still the doctors mother
The woman who looked after her/found
The doctor (forget her name) she technically played a motherly role for the doctor.
But now it makes no sense.
So I dunno, regenerated Susan? Romana? Anything besides the most obvious plot-point because now it can't work.
I really don't care about lore but it's amazing how Chibnall is just retroactively ruining stories better than The Timeless Children
>all THIRTEEN of them
Why were the Time Lords so sexist and racist and only acknowledged the white male Doctors?
Lalla Ward was once asked at a DW convention what was the scariest monster she encountered in her time on the show. She replied "Tom Baker."
He's nothing like his character. He is a colossal asshole and I speak from firsthand experience.
watched the woman who fell to earth/the ghost monument
pretty lackluster compared to other series openers, companions were boring and didn't care for them or the story. as basic as a who story can get.
5/10 probably won't continue S11/12. Yaz a qt though
He seems to have an ego, and he had an alcohol problem in the 70's. It's well known.
You're right about Yaz, but a fag if you stop watching
She was clearly making a friendly joke. I don't think she was trying to imply he's a horrible person
Then why did she divorce him after just 2 years?
The Ghost Monument is such a boring empty story it still surprises me it made it to air. Nothing really happens and whataver it sets up is never payed off, besides the cigar shit but it's like the most unsatisfying payoff ever.
also let's not forget that FUCKING RAGS were the main enemy.
Blows my mind that Chinbo decided to make that the second story of his era
2 years is pretty good going
I feel as though I'll only be disappointed. Is it worth continuing user? At least for Yaz?
She is great. Pretty cool but also kinda creepy and ambiguous. Would really like to see more of her
It would probably be vastly improved if there were 4 racers and 2 of them would die.
You got 4 main characters for fuck sake.
The Silurians. Bretty good 7/10 could have been 6 episodes
Not even for Yaz. You gonna get disappointed to hell.