Shelly was the best Twin Peaks girl, right?
Shelly was the best Twin Peaks girl, right?
best looking yeah, but she was a bit of a cunt
how so?
I liked her the best
making fun of laura's dad at her funeral, being with a drug dealing psychopath, being slightly rude to some of the customers. Thats about it.
dark hair and blue eyes has always been my thing, so it's Audrey for me
Shelly is best but the floot from the first episode of the Return and that redhead agent with the extremely weird body language are great too.
For me, it's Leo.
user, she was a hooore
disagree. I have a thing for timid, soft-spoken women
>you could literally get the hottest girl if you just asked
Fuck. Me
Audrey was robbed of a good season 3
She was our hoore.
reply to this post or kyle maclachlan will come into your home while you're asleep and steal the grapes out of your refrigerator
based and naomipilled
uh, hello, is this the based department?
Why do her kids look half-Asian?
>ugly mongrel kids
such a waste of her beauty
Yes, though Donna had a better personality
But I'll hear him coming in, and then
not even close
For some reason her episode introductions have a lot of impact on me. Absolute props to Catherine Coulson, she delivers those intros like she genuinely believes what she's saying. They always leave me with hard to describe emotions.
Laura > Shelly but Madchen > Sheryl
It's okay, because he only lives inside my dream.
Only bad thing Shelly did in the entire series was make fun of Leland which was weirdly out of character and never feels natural no matter how many times I rewatch the show.
Do they know their kids are ugly?
I agree that its out of character but I really love the scene. Seems like it was only thrown into the episode for fun.
The scholar's choice.
That would be fine with me
my favorite /tpg/ theory was that Laura was trapped inside Candie
>Mitchum Brothers spin-off when