"I Drive."

"I Drive."

Attached: monerdrive.jpg (1080x1125, 112.57K)

"I coom."

if you get a tattoo I drop you

you drive me crazy bb

She has her mum's date of birth on her forearm.

>"Now that's an odd little girl innit? By the Queen, the New World is full of wonders, enough said."
What would Moner do?

Attached: 1559435637737.jpg (720x969, 105.83K)

I want to suck her toes so bad bros

>tfw no latina gf

Attached: 1570692129808.jpg (3264x2811, 1.78M)

Me too user. Me too.

Attached: monerworkoutfeet.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

Costa Rica. Always Costa Rica. When I went through my waifu phase, it was Paz Ortega Andrade.
CR is a beautiful country that managed to avoid socialism and completely nullify the negative impacts of capitalism to the ecosystem and population, whilst also still having an incredibly based nazi movement. If I could, I'd study at the UN University of Peace just to have an excuse to live in Costa Rica.

Damn, she had a plump ass.

Why do we treat latinos like their own race when they're literally just various different mixes of black, white and chink?

>US flag
what does this mean?

tfw no Chilean gf, or the one to the right of USA

Name a more fuckable mouth

You can't

mexicans don't look like that

welp, she's whore lvl now

Attached: 132cc0d.png (1080x1662, 629.69K)

From the passenger seat?


I’d like to drive my tongue into her butthole

god what a perfect little sex doll


fuck off milliefag, this is moner board.

Millie/moner sextape WHEN

I see she has the melted tits of a 50 year old too.

tfw no peru gf

Deepfake it.

skip the coping part and admit you’ve never seen tits before virgin


spain hails from hispania, thus are "hispanic"

all the other countries are considered LATIN american, and are thus "latino/latina"

"I eat."

Attached: rolls.webm (406x720, 2.88M)

>sitting in the passenger seat

God damn

Good lord she grew up nicely

She will age horribly. Ten years max and she's an obese pig.

When do girls turn into whores, bros? Surely it cant be this young

fat ass, fat dirty feet, terrible workout