What was the fucking point of this movie?

what was the fucking point of this movie?
>takes his date to a porno
>date is unsurprisingly freaked out
>decides to kill some people because muh feels
>back to normal a week later

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Imagine being so pleb you get filtered by Taxi Driver...

I never thought someone over 12 would actually be filtered by taxi driver

it's a 7/10 movie at best, typical bandwagon.

>back to normal a week later
Congrats on being retarded.

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are u a woman OP?
Mayb a spiritual woman?

He was in the military a long time. He thought it was acceptable because he saw others go there. He was tired of the scum of the city. New York used to have a severe crime problem. Fantasy user. Not everything is realistic. His motivations are clear. He is narrating.

The ending feels like a studio mandated thing, I feel the movie would’ve been better off if Travis died or got some jail time for his rampage, like it kinda feels too safe.

Still great regardless.

I'm pretty sure the last scene is just a fantasy in his head. Don't all guys have that fantasy of meeting back with that one "chick who got away" and everything is perfect and things might be good again?

>he let one get away

The movie's screenwriter said that the last scene is real in a reddit AMA

It's not a fantasy, but it is fantastical. It's a typical fairy tale ending, except that Travis isn't some hero or white knight, he's still a deeply disturbed and dangerous man. Betsy only reaches out to him because he got in the news for being a vigilante. His last look in the mirror with just his eyes gives the hint that he's still the same.

>back to normal a week later

You guys are fucking pleb.
The ending was so perfect and subtle. It was obviously not a dream. The ending is what makes this fim a kino. If he had died or succeed at finding love, the film would be average as fuck.

>what was the fucking point of this movie?
find it yourself you fucking moron

Falling Down is SO MUCH better in every way

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Those first 3 sound like me during/after a tinder date...

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I bet you loved The Joker

No, the 'studio mandate' involved the race of Sport, the pimp: he was originally black in the screenplay.

No, it's not, and these films are completely different from each other.

This is literally the lowest IQ thing I have ever read on here and people on Yas Forums have literally tried to convince me that titanic is a 10/10 movie.

Utterly pathetic.

Just watched this after watching The Natural with my family at Easter...should've watched The Natural second.

only thing mandated by the studio was the pimp was not black, so they casted Harvey Keitel


He is a hypocrite. He talks about degeneracy but watches these movies. Just like 4channers.

He killed a black guy before in the store. There are lots of white criminals

Reddit driver

ok I hope that made you feel better you pathetic liberal faggot. but in reality the studio told him to change the race of the pimp, that actually happened and you can look it up

You say that as if a 7/10 is bad

>Its racial politics in particular remain problematic. In his original screenplay, the pimp (eventually played by Harvey Keitel) was black and in the final reel shoot-out, Travis killed only black people. "In the original script, it was just a racist slaughter," Schrader remembers. "There was genuine concern. [The producers] came to me and said, 'We've really got to change this. There could be a riot.' It would have been socially and morally irresponsible if we had incited that kind of violence."

Yeah. You can't have the immoral protagonist who tries to kill a Senator also be a racist. Think of the message that sends