Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again.
Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
God I'm sick of 3D animation can it go the fuck away
2D animation is dead and there is no way to rebuild the skill as all the men who could teach it are dead too.
I love her... So much. I love everything about this.
stop watching kids movies
I'm so sick of oxygen, I should stop breathing
Ummmm excuse me sweaty?
why does she wear so much make up?
frozen 3 when?
I would have sex with Elsa if you know what I mean
any good r34 site for pic related? you dumb nigger
is that a safe link
Spoonfeed it to me.
Also wipe my ass for me.
Could you explain this further?
>"I want to speak to the manager"
>Not fat or American
I would insert my penis into her vagina if you catch my drift
if i was filthy rich i would never wipe ever again. have someone do it for me
I hear ya user.Actually,i AM filthy rich!
How much for ya ta wipe me?
cel drawn shit like the classics? yeah. same for black and white film. but can't stop people from creating worse facsimiles and then raising the next generation on it, turning them into ignorant fans who think black and white movies or cel animation is boring old person shit. we already have adults who don't read books or watch movies with subtitles. give it another 5 years and I guarantee we'll have adults who don't watch movies made before 2000, consider the original Iron Man one of the great classics of film, and use Pixar movies like Cars as introductory animation for their children. Wait, nevermind. That's already reality.
thats pretty rude
3D or 3D?
3D with blue eyes. Get that mutt away from Elsa.
Genuine question, what's the appeal of this art style? Is this an evolution of the Scott Pilgrim style tumblr was aping for years?
Haha imagine if she was your loving gf and she dressed up like elsa for you when you fugged ahah
>what's the appeal of this art style?
Much like the Hanna Barbera aesthetic of the past, the modern Calarts design is a low cost, high yield animation style that allows cartoonists to shit out a large amount of work with minimal effort; the only difference between the two is that I don't think those animators who worked for Hanna Barbera during the first dark age of American animation ever went like $150,000 into debt just to learn how to draw pastel-colored androgynous stick figures.
>oops I accidentally leaked my tits because I had a social media delusion that I was some famous person
post ze tits
Imagine working at that store and then keeping the cardboard standee once it was time to get rid of it. Imagine the cooms.
This is a good thread thank you for knocking a tutposter off the board.
Thanks to corona, it already kinda is
>drawing 4 different characters the same way makes them look the same