Why do you hate him?
Why do you hate him?
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Never made a sequel to Canadian Bacon
Because he criticises muh orange daddy
low quality bait movies
Because he acts like a Socialist that knows about real working class average people and understands their frustrations and why they would turn to the Right and then he starts shilling for Joe Biden because eh.... Trump Bad
Simple answers in complex times.
Because he looks like a 55 year old lesbian
Because he's "Do as I say, not as I do."
Never used to hate him.
Thought he was ok.
As his documentary work has progressed through the years it has become littered with half truths and outright deceptive statements and erroneus conclusions.
To the point where I do not trust him at all anymore.
>fat marxist liar
Despite reports that bin Laden was effectively funded by the Americans, it is impossible to gauge how much American aid he received. He was not a major figure in the Afghan war. Most American weapons, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, were channelled by the Pakistanis to the Hezb-i-Islami faction of the mujahideen led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
Bin Laden was only loosely connected with the group, serving under another Hezb-i-Islami commander known as Engineer Machmud. However, bin Laden's Office of Services, set up to recruit overseas for the war, received some US cash.
Because he's a liar who works for the bad guys.
Look at that stolen valor hat.
He has more money than me
this was one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever seen
i hated the idea of my country being evil but seeing we're about to re-elect trump i have to accept the facts
I don't hate him, he's perfect for my "Liberal or Lesbian?" quiz game
Misleading liar who malformed my perceptions
That was just character assasination of the lowest order.
This whole movie is just one giant coping mechanism for him.
Who's the right wing version of Michael Moore as far of films go? I'd say Ann Coulter but the bitch doesn't make any movies.
I unironically think the whole movie was a penance piece after he accidentally helped Trump get elected with that killer speech
Absolute garbage but I think it was selling out more than honest on his part
his only good one is the gitmo one
you think he isn't happy Trump got elected? no one listens to Michael Moore when democrats are in charge
the pajeet that made Hillary's America
Dunno about the right but the one that fucks over the left AND the right would be Adam Curtis.
he should just make a sci-fi movie about robots or something
dinesh d'souza
I don't hate him.
I wouldn't say a single word to him, I would listen to what he has to say and that's what no one did...
I'd watch that
Unironically one of the great thinkers of our time
I dont, I like him a lot. Hes also great at political predictions
He gave a speech in support of him
I don't. His docs are great.