On youtube his daughter said this knowitall got cucked by his own medicine ROYALLY
All that knowledge and he didnt even know about herbal anti-anxiety. He fell for big pharma meme
On youtube his daughter said this knowitall got cucked by his own medicine ROYALLY
All that knowledge and he didnt even know about herbal anti-anxiety. He fell for big pharma meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>gives life advice to others while being horribly addicted to benzos
oh fuck you retards are still trying to defend the shit he says? Get real help from actual professionals you deranged idiot
>dude just drink some tea
You're an idiot
>All that knowledge and he didnt even know about herbal anti-anxiety. He fell for big pharma meme
Ok Chang
Why didn't he just go on SSRIs like a normal sad faggot
Imagine getting owned so hard by Zizek that you voluntarily send yourself into a coma
he reminds me a lot of House
saved others but couldn't save himself
>couldn't save himself
Best part is thats one of his 12commandments of life listed in his book
>Best part is thats one of his 12commandments of life listed in his book
What? You can't save yourself? I also remember him saying not to try to change the world but change yourself so what is it?
I wonder if his personality got destroyed or he's trapped in some "i have no mouth and I must scream" state of consciousness
I don't think there's much hypovcritical about JP, at least not enough for it to be a real problem. He's a clinical psychologist, he's speaking from decades of treating people, not from having the perfect life himself.
His daughter on the other hand is a total charlatan. Promoting her ridiculous fad diet, riding on the coattails of her dad's authority all while being on every pill under the sun.
>Zoomers are so hateful and ego-driven that they villify anyone who tells them they can better themselves through hard work and discipline.
Not surprised actually
>helps thousands of aimless people going through problems
wouldn't call myself a fan but why do his detractors have such a hate boner for him? is it because he's an 'enlightened centrist'? he's just this harmless boomer that sounds like a muppet but people seethe over him.
>Yas Forums - Television & Film
and you're posting a literally WHO gtfo and take your singles with you
Low iq post
No, being unwilling to take care of yourself. As in, if your dog was sick you'd make sure he got his medicine and you'd let it take them like clockwork. Yourself? Not bothered.
I don't take advice from retarded drug addicts with whore daughters.
his daughter seems like a genuinely exploitative person
she immediately jumped on her father's fame to set up her little carnivore cult to bleed money out of people. left her child's father to jump on a pickup artist's dick. wouldn't surprise me if she intentionally put her father in a coma to access his newfound wealth.
She wasn't his caretaker he went into the coma of his own volition
Ppl are giving him shit because his entire ideology is "fix yourself" before trying to change the world, then he had a breakdown and got addicted to pills.
While telling everyone else on the planet to sort themselves out
It's because Yas Forums is upset that he "doesn't name the jew" and is probably a jew himself. A crypto-jew if you will.
his wife is a jew
and at the end of the day is anyone surprised that weak beta alt right religious kids were brainwashed by another swindling jew? It's like poetry, the blind leading the dumb.
>he suffers himself so that means he's wrong
Cringe. If anything he's now living proof of why his advice is important.
He was prescribed and quit cold turkey afterwards causing shitshow. He was vocal his support about medications years ago, they didn't work for him much afterall
Pathetic cope.
yeah lets start taking advice from junkies, or as I like to call them street prophets, the truly enlightened, the best our society has to offer.
>is this nigra serius?
>peterson is a junkie
>daughter is a coalburner who left her husband for a black guy who does cringy pua videos
great family
>one of his 12 rules for life was "take your meds"
HAHAHAHAHAHABABbHahaha fuck this clown. He also worked for John Podesta on some UN shit
>don't get help from one of the most regarded clinical psychologists on the planet
Because he's strict and to the point. People don't like hearing the hard truth.
Lol they didn't even debate wtf was that
In Russia, the European country with the worst medical service and the highest amount of medical botches, because only in Russia do they think it's a good idea to ween yourself off of benzo's by putting yourself in a fucking coma to avoid the withdraw. What a pussy.
he literally argues against whites organizing and advocating for their interests while they're being attacked from all sides because identity politics is bad mmkay. Meanwhile, he's hanging out with dyed in the wool zionists - like Ben Shapiro, who one called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. He's meant to be the preeminent intellectual of our time but can't work out why it's imperative that whites begin politically advocating for their interests? No, the only sensible explanation is that he's malicious or compromised in some way.
Systems, even in 'free' countries, crush dissent that genuinely challenges them. So the fact that Peterson, for a while at least, had this massive platform (he was everywhere, they even put him on Aussie tv) says something. Shit, even today, if I'm watching a wrongthink video on youtube, something like ramzpaul or Morgoth, the algo won't recommend another video from those creators, it will usually recommend a Peterson video.
This post is the truth and zoomers can die mad about it.
truth is he's a brain dead junkie and you thought cleaning your room was the one thing holding you back from aryan supremacy kekalor
Wait is this what you incels consider "black" now?
Peterson was unironically a drunk alcoholic loser until his early 30s, at which point he got his shit together and got a doctorate and started practicing and getting his name out there. He's certainly not some sort of mensa prodigy like you people pretend he is.
Oh fuck off you little dweeb
how the fuck does this guy trigger people so much, he's a fucking psychology professor
>the insecure faggot flexing
So what's your excuse?
Mutt hands typed this
you can tell he's a complete jackass just from that picture
Lol he quit "cold turkey" after flying to Russia to go to rehab? Oh ok
I dare you to scream fuck you mom XD
shut up and post lewds of his daughter
Literally who?
He's a creation of the jews.
>no such thing as white race XD
A big part of pseudointellectual self-identity is the delusion that they're brilliant and rigorous thinkers, and thus actual intellectuals who disagree with them are an existential threat
So he's proof that his philosophy works?
but he's right
>he was buzzword and didn't get his grade until late!
>That means he's not an intellectual unlike his talks imply
t. internet stranger #132120225, the top of judge on people's place in society
His withdrawal symptoms appeared after he quit, and caused a paradoxical effect. Apparently retaking same drug show reverse effect in that case. I don't know what russians did to detox him
so glad i didnt fall for the JLP meme. this guy has no right giving out life advice. now he’s in a coma
user, you are a nigger
>he thinks he's a pure aryan
>how the fuck does this guy trigger people so much, he's a fucking psychology professor
well it's pretty triggering the way everyone considers psychology to be a legit scientific field
Someone call nassim taleb
I hear he's mentally retarded now is this true?
Withdrawal is some scary shit. Nevermind hard drugs, just alcohol withdrawal was one of tge scariest experiences in my life. Gotta take drugs responsibly. If youre here, youre prolly too anxious and compulsive to at all, in which case do nothing.
bro they put him in a medically induced coma to alleviate his withdrawal symptoms, that's what caused the brain damage in the first place
>A benzo-addicted loser thinks he can tell me what to do on his high horse
Imagine being such a cuck and a failure at life that you actually need a psycho like JP to tell you how to live a proper life
Holy fucking shit, the state of some people
Not even true
>Jordan Peterson
>actual intellectual
when will the meme end
Literally ad hominem. If a heroin addict says heroin is bad, does that mean heroin isnt bad?
it was for some kind of chemical cleanse complete with induced coma and brain damage, as a last resort. dunno why it needed to be so extreme but probably it wasn't something you could just cold turkey and not die of if he did all that shit and still almost died
he's best of the both worlds....and he's deep inside mikhaila's pussy.
JP's critics have been saying that its all just the same common sense truism bullshit you can get from any life coach author for years, and HURR YOU'RE JUST TOO WEAK-WILLED TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE AND WANT TO BLAME OTHERS has always been the counterargument from the legions of slobs who grew up without a strong father figure that gobble his shit up.
Now he's in the hospital in a coma due to drug addiction, with his airhead slut daughter taking care of him, and you're butthurt that we're making fun of him for being weak and blaming big pharma for his problems.
>le ebin argument pyramid
go give your life savings to some meth head and seek his wisdom faggot LMFAO
He's pretty critical of it, though. He outright says therapy is kind of made up on the spot in his book (every therapy is as good as every other therapy; e.g., as long as you're giving halfway non-retarded advice, you're basically doing therapy).
He also says that if someone doesn't think IQ is valid then they don't think any other aspects of psychology is either. So going by loads of people, that means they don't believe psychology is valid. Ironic, considering most of them are probably in therapy.
What a cringe machine.
>herbal anti-anxiety
Say what now
>e-everyone is a mutt like me! Look at these pie graphs!!
Not taking advice and doing the opposite of what someone says are different things. Hell, if you actually did just do the opposite of what some junkie says you're still taking advice from them, just in a convoluted way
Absolutely based, reality is hilarious. Here's the most famous Jungian in the world living out the ancient Oedipal archetype so favored by the Greeks- the classical definition of tragedy where the hero is defeated by his own hubris. So sure of how to organize a life, he attained the highest public presence an "intellectual" personality in his field is capable of, and ended up destroyed by his own off-label pharmaceutical coping mechanisms- falling victim to the dragon of chaos he'd sought to slay as a warrior for order.
Looking forward to the biopic starring Idris Elba.
Yeah he looks like a mess
I don't know what he should have done though, if a clinical psychologist reject modern psychiatric medication he would have been called an instant hypocrite. Not that he isn't called that now anyway
I don't believe he's actually rich, I think it's all leases to prop up his pyramid schemes
more worried about the cte that he is settling into
no need to have a meltdown
Nigger if there is a more pure example of an intellectual than a PhD professor of psychology, I can't imagine it