post mass shooter kino
Post mass shooter kino
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imagine getting killed by this faggot
i bet you're the most tasteful and masculine person in the world
Isnt this the guy who missed most of his shots
He fired most of his shots at the store products. He went when there were barely any people.
you never see patriots fans doing this shit. fucking america's team, my ass.
do you feel some connection to a retarded cartoon addicted tranny?
I remember the generals about this guy here on Yas Forums just digging through his shit, he recorded like 10 suicide tapes dude was insane
to be fair he was talking about shooting himself and not missing in the beginning of the video.
the shit he made for his waifu is literally kino, based andrew
At least he's not the one endorsing Andrew Blaze, you really need to kill yourself.
Imagine falling in love with your own recolor of a character from fucking danny phantom like at least get a better OC to die for
My OC egirl, I'd just die for her!
He was skinny as a starving african child but chose to use stockless shotguns
what the FUCK is this haircut, it's like half 2005 era emo kid and half bowl cut
I fucking hate teenagers
It's called the I haven't left the house in a year hair cut
If you are talking about Randy Stair/Andrew Blaze he was 25 years old lmao
People laugh off this guy, but his downward spiral is interesting of any of them. He got into a bad car wreck a few years before the shooting and became obsessed with death, and violence and has some mentally ill tier anger. Watch the finale for his previous channel so he can start animation, he kills off his stuffed animals. Also says he'd dress like a tranny around the house and was pissed nobody took notice or said anything.
This dude would have transitioned if he was a zoomer
yes, because millenials are famous for not transitioning
He was a cross dresser
if he didn't go on a killing spree, 100 percent he would be a tranny right now
He is fascinating for sure. What is also interesting is he never had an original idea in his life. His early youtube videos just ripped off what was popular, he copied a few other youtubers. His OC was ripped off from Danny Phantom. He copied the journal from the Columbine shooter, his whole way of writing/videos ''I fucking hate the world'' seemed like an act copied from Columbine. He bought the shotgun he used because of Colombine.
It's just bizarre really
I never understood why he did what was essentially a mag dump at the beginning
target rich environment, makes you get excited
He killed the people who were closing the store and I assume was just wasting ammo until he killed himself
based empathetic user
Whenever I saw his videos or flash cartoons I thought he'd do much better as a VA than the person creating, he kind of sounded like the english dub for Sauske. Too late for that shit