Why do people act like this movie is good?
Why do people act like this movie is good?
because it is
this, op is literally retarded
It's based
It's a thought provoking film for teenagers and young adults. Why don't you like it?
objectively wrong
the only Fincher film I like
Well fuck you
what's it about? I never understood. Was it a tournament?
you beats the other men in the fried chicken basement until one of them becomes a turkey
last turkey wins
you should watch Zodiac, it's really good
I feel like I missed the boat on fight club. In school when I was 14/15 loads of boys were obsessed with it, and a lot of them seem to still remember it fondly. I watched it when I was 22 and it did absolutely nothing for me.
Because muh ebin plot twists. That being said the movie is decent.
same with me but I was 18 already, I guess is that type of movie you have to be 14-16 to like
I think it just resonates a lot with younger boys aged 14-20 or so. It explores a lot of themes of abandoning the struggle of materialist pursuits, examining what really matters to you, exploring yourself by doing what you're most afraid of or just letting go etc. Young boys all struggle with these sorts of feelings of being stuck in a hollow, fake society around that age, so I would expect it to resonate there. Helps that the film is shot really well and it's overall fairly witty and fun.
The acting is good, the cinematography is good, the twist is good, it's just a decent film user, no need to be a contrarian.
that's because you're still consoomers, you wouldn't get it
How the fuck could a 14yo that never had a work understand or be reflected in this movie? This movie is 20-25yo males bait.
the lead actor sucked, the cinematography was decent, the twist felt forced
>i was you the whole time
guys you are breaking the first rule
>the twist felt forced
How do you figure? Do you mean that it doesn't make much sense in some aspects like him beating himself up or whatever? Because I think that's not that important to the story.
You had to live through the period of extreme prosperity of the 90s.
The entire movie, much like Se7en and Twelve Monkeys, is about how "we" (the people of the time period) had it "so good" that we were all "CONSUMERIST PIGS!!!"
By to today, where we've lived through several bubble bursts, recessions, now a pandemic (that will lead to a recession or a depression), it makes these movies laughable
tyler was 100% right up until he started recruiting people
Are you Zoomers? If you didn’t see it when it came out you missed out on the zeitgeist. Fight Club literally changed the world.
Maybe the real fight club was the friends we made along the way.
No, I was already old when it was released.
>yeah, Fight Club? I never get ot
I watched it when I was in my 20s and loved it. Unless you're too far gone, you'll find it relatable
Then you’re probably just a pleb.
I know for a fact that the cover alone put a lot of people off the movie. Maybe it's just a good pleb filter but it's still a horrible photoshop regardless.
you might be a retard
Me and a buddy snuck into the theater to watch it. Was only us 2 and after we beat the shit out each other in the parking lot, was kino.