Alright josh safdie here, ama, only have an hour so quickly quickly

alright josh safdie here, ama, only have an hour so quickly quickly

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Do a kanye biopic next. Also, advice on general writing process?

you can't write for shit

you dont even know

are you gonna do a horror movie

Kanyes boring ass life is already documented on the Kardashian show you zoomer fucking idiot

like ironing, do a bit and go back, do a bit and go back

these are mine i have a trip now

Did the security guard in Good Time have his TV on Ancient Aliens as a subtle "WE WUZ KANGZ" reference?

pizza or chinese tonight?

this format

ive only made horror movies

hows the QUAR goin?

I didn't expect Josh Safdie to actually insult me like that wow

Favorite active film maker? besides you and your brother

What the hell ever happened to Arielle Holmes. Is she back on the street or what?

Heaven Knows What is underrated

not me, youre beautiful
ari eggers rian pta mikeleigh yorgos

Alright guys Dan Schneider here ask me anything

probably zack snyder

Based that's pretty much what I do. How about uhh, on setting a film tone. What's crazy about daddy long legs and uncut gems is how the tone is so fucking well meshed

quit larping as me kid

alright this isnt me and i dont know how to use this website if it doesnt stop ill have to stop replying and do this anotherday when i can learn how to use this fuckingwebstite again

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Josh would you cast me in one of your pictures. I love good time you are the new Cassavetes

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Who should play batgirl in live action movie ?

use a tripcode, it uses a password only you know to make a specific number pattern next to your name so that way nobody can impersonate you.
in the option field, type " ## then whatever u want

is that you?

delete this please

>josh safdie
Literally who

if this is the real josh safdie and ur driving him away by acting autistic then i hate you


trying it now

I just tried watching this movie. I couldn't make it through mate.

How does this have to do with gnosticism?

maybe the presence of nature blindly impeding their way throughout

alright listen im stopping now but might be able to come back tomorrow or the next day

too many cooks in the kitchen, too many imposters, etc .

will the real josh safdie please standup

any other JSs after this are fakes

ill see yous soon hopefully when i work this fucking thing ha ha ha

was uncut gems about kaballah?

im the real josh safdie

this isn't me, how does this stupid site work???

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who smells worse, Robert Pattinson or Adam Sandler?

sorry there are assholes that ruin for everyone, if this is really u then i hope u come back

yes most of our films are

these people are the reason we can't have nice things

how did you make a debut film so good but follow it up with an only above-average one right after?

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hoelllo frends

Fuck you jew

the resemblance is uncanny

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Nice going, you morons.

the movie was originally called Uncut Jim's and it was set in the brothel district, not the diamond district, but our distributor made us change it so we put the kaballah stuff in there as kind of a funny joke.