ITT: Post famous criminals/serialkillers/mass-killers/etc. and who you would choose to play them in a biopic

ITT: Post famous criminals/serialkillers/mass-killers/etc. and who you would choose to play them in a biopic

pic related: Sarah Shahi

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>goes to shoot up youtube
>doesn't kill anyone
>kills herself
What a shame...

Had to widely broaden the criteria because she was such a bad shot eh?

but that's a saint

She didn't kill shit

Women, am I right lmao

she didn't kill anyone but herself. which is a shame because she was targeting google employees.

It wasn't about bloodlust

it was about sending a message

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who would ideally play him?

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finn wolfhard

I feel like they could NEVER make a movie about Elliott because the audience would naturally sympathize with him

happened with pic related

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her and carole baskin could play each other in their spare time

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Ugly tranny

how many of her teeth are real do you think?


Did you ever read his manifesto? It's hilarious and he's a complete retard


she cute, would you?
i would

yeah but that makes it even more sympathetic because people sympathize with retards

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All she wanted was to talk about animals...

This shit is the worst “omigod hes so gorgeous let him out of prison!!!” Women should be shot

John Malkovich

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could you image the scene of him coming out navy seal style? it would be 4chans favorite new webm

Vin Diesel

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Ezra Miller for top comedic value

Make it a black comedy in the vein of Four Lions

Jeff Bridges

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holy shit, this dude looks insane

Who would play his brother?

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Peter Stormare

Nah, get Sofia Boutella for Nasim

this motherfucker looks exactly like an actor, but I don't know who, anyone else find him really familiar?

If it's who I think it is, he's pretty fucking insane. Some shit about worshiping an Egyptian deity and wanting to make himself look like a cobra